Saturday 3 December 2011

Advent Calendar: Day 3

Oh, today it is my sister's birthday, and she turns 24. Happy birthday, Katie!

I got the inspiration for day 3 by viewing Lucy Monroe's blog interviewing Liz Fielding. She talks of The King's Speech - which I haven't seen, (it's on my list to watch) but gave me inspiration to post my next favourite actor and character... Colin Firth aka Mark Darcy. (Who knows later, even Mr Darcy may appear.)

3rd December

Oh, and this is Christmassy, as it's at the end of the film, and it's snowing.


  1. The Kings Speech is a very good film - and more fantastic because it's British! I quite like Colin Firth - this picture is a good'un - he's growing on me, although as Mr Darcy he's always been a big crush!

  2. Well, I hadn't even heard of Colin Firth until Bridget Jones' Diary :-O And of course have loved him ever since!


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