
Sunday, 31 March 2013

I've Got A Plan!

With the house move and everything, I missed last months RNA chapter meeting, and so was very glad to meet up again last week. I have an hours drive to Lacock, but it's worth it! (I love that village as well as the people I meet - obviously!) The long journey does enable me to listen to music of my choice, which isn't always possible in the car with the kids.

With my quest to get my writing back on track, I went there to seek advice. I have two novels 'finished'. One more polished than the other, because it's been sent out to publishers. The other was sent to the RNA last year.

Considering it is April tomorrow, I know I am going to find it hard to edit Perfect Isn't An Option and send it back to the RNA NWS for August, and I'm certainly not going to be able to write another novel and get it edited and sent off by August either.

Therefore, I thought, why don't I send the RNA NWS The Wedding Favour, and get some advice and direction on this novel. It didn't have much luck with the publishers I sent it to, but it did get some positive feedback. Maybe the RNA can give me some advice on it.

Well, my good writer friends also agreed that this is possibly the best scenario for me this year. This way I don't waste my RNA NWS subscription. If I send it now - as it is ready! - it will get a less rushed read through and feedback than if I wait till August.

So, that's what I'm going to do. I can still work on editing it for the publisher that showed an interest - if they will still interested almost a year on, I'm not so sure. But then it will give me some breathing space. I just can't see me getting back into writing by facing two major editing projects. Editing daunts me at the best of times. I believe it's because I lack confidence and experience more than anything. It doesn't feel so creative. I really need to get writing. And the best way is to physically write. What, I'm not so sure yet. I might just pick an idea that's floating around in my head and go with it. Be it short or long, I just want to get back into the habit of sitting at my PC and writing. I want the voices back, talking to me. I have more free time at the weekends now, so I need to stop wasting it.

So does that sound like a plan, or does that sound like a plan? And because I missed Shirtless Thursday... here's something Eastery,,,

Okay, so I lied... It's not Eastery at all - but it's very shirtless. 

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Happy 6th Birthday, Kieran!

Well, I did a blog post for Ben in December, so I thought it only fair I did one for Kieran.

(I will set it to post at 10.44am... the time my little *angel* arrived). 

Kieran, also known as Kamikaze Kieran, or Kieran The Destroyer, was born on Saturday 24th March 2007 at 10.44am, weighing 8lb 12oz. He was given these names because we soon learned the boy had no fear and where Ben had always played with toys nicely, we had to find ones from now on which were "Kieran proof". If he could break it, he would.

His full name is Kieran George. George being my Grandad's name.

Only Kieran gets Vaseline in his hair! Virtually the whole pot. 
He is far from sensible, like my Ben. He is the comedian of the family, but is pretty good at football too. He also likes wearing my shoes. Should I be worried? Of my two boys, he is the only one I've had to take to A&E to get stitched up - well, they glued his forehead. I think I was remarkably lucky it didn't happen for a good four years actually.

Cool brothers, who play well, and fight well. 
Too cute! But I am biased. 

Above are some cute pictures of the brothers growing up. I could have posted soooo many more.

Taken last week, my own Formula 1 driver!
Happy birthday, Kieran!

Kieran at Trafalgar Square - Dec 2012
Where has my baby boy gone? They are both growing up so fast!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

It's A Bit Late...

But here's Shirtless Thursday!

How about a surfer? What is not to like about a surfer? Yum, yum, yum! Just to remind us with Spring on its way, Summer is around the corner.

Kids are off school now for two weeks for Easter holidays with an inset day tomorrow. This is where I will get nothing done, isn't it? Even getting back into writing is going to be tough. *sigh* I think I'll just go back and look at the picture above then, shall I?

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Where Have The Voices Gone?

My Ikea furniture arrived this morning. I am waiting for Dad to come over and help build it. Well, when I say help. He'll be building it. I'll be making him cups of tea.

I'm excited. It means that I should be able to set up my PC soon and create my new writing space. And then I will have to knuckle down and get back to editing and writing. Events over the past year have given me enough of an emotional journey, I should be able to include this somewhere. In fact, maybe I should start by writing up the past year... so when I'm famous I have my autobiography almost written. Okay, not quite. LOL!

But I have reached the light at the end of the tunnel. This is good.

I used to be so dedicated to my writing, you had to prise me off my PC. I would have to set the kitchen timer so I didn't forget to pick up the kids from school. I would sit up till midnight engrossed in my stories. My characters would talk to me whilst I did the housework. Nag me, even. But I'm worried I've lost that obsession. The voices aren't talking to me. My characters would badger me every single minute of the day. But it's like they're taking a backseat at the moment, and observing my life - and having a good bloody giggle at my expense, too. Maybe they're being patient (unlike me) with me, as they know real life has got in the way recently, and they'll start talking again soon. 

And now, I wonder where I found the time.

I need to make it again! 

So, once this furniture is built, I need to get tough with myself. No more dithering over Facebook, Twitter and whatever else I do to waste my time. I have a smaller house that requires less cleaning. I still need to maintain it, (and there is still quite a bit to do, with boxes to empty etc. so I'll try not to beat myself up too much) and it's only me now to do the jobs (until the boys get older and I can set them to work), so that might take up more of my time. But I need to crack on!

I can not dream about my book being published if I am not working towards it.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

The Sun Has Got His Hat On

So it must mean it's Shirtless Thursday!

Bit of a frost on the ground this morning, but it soon cleared with the sun out. I believe Spring may well be on it's way.

I do need to do another blog post and not just post half naked men... but it will have to be another day. Sorry, this is a quick post. Feeling a bit disorganised at the moment, but furniture ordered from Ikea, so the PC might be coming out of its box very soon :D Whoop!

Actually... these men aren't just shirtless - they're naked! Or does the beret count?

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Every Woman Should Have One Of These In Her Bathroom...

... Someone to hold her towel.


OMG! What day is it? I almost forgot! Thursday already? Really? It seems to have arrived really quickly this week. It means tomorrow is Friday, and I'm back to working the weekend :-(

I need to do something to cheer me up, (this morning didn't go so well with the kids) and hopefully you guys too... How about this one for Shirtless Thursday?

Actually he's not wearing anything but a towel... does this still class as shirtless? Well, he's certainly not wearing a shirt, I suppose.