
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Publication Day!

Whooo! Hoooo! It's publication day for Plus One is a Lucky Number, plus three other fellow Harper Impulse authors;
Nic Tatano - Wing Girl,
Jane Linfoot - How To Win A Guy In 10 Dates
and Aimee Duffy - What's A Girl To Do?

Should I be sipping Champagne at this time of the morning? Getting my nails done? Pedicure? Haircut? Anything glamorous at all...?

I am over on Liz Fielding's blog. She's a fellow RNA Bath and Wiltshire chapter member and I'm also a huge fan of her books. So that's kinda glamorous!

Otherwise it's a lazy day in the house (so that I can stay close to my PC and keep up with the messages) with the boys playing playstation and me catching up on the housework.

Oh, the reality of a writer...

And now I'm worrying about book two. I've heard about writers fearing whether book two will hold up to expectations etc. Kids go back to school next Tuesday, and I have promised myself I will knuckle down.

Plus One Is A Lucky Number is now available to buy, peeps!

Don't forget to tell me who you're Plus One is at my Publication Day Virtual Party. I'm of course bringing Henry Cavill.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Get Your Thinking Caps On

It's less than a week until publication day, and I'm getting very excited. I'm going to be an author. Not only an author, a Harper Impulse one too.

Therefore, I thought I'd send out an invitation to you all to join me on Facebook on Thursday 29th August to celebrate the release of my début book 'Plus One Is A Lucky Number'.

The good thing about a virtual party is the guest list can be unlimited... So of course the invitation has a Plus One...

So who would you bring to my virtual Publication Day Party?

They can be a real person or a fictional character, pure fantasy, dead or alive... Bring your Plus One along (by posting a picture) on my events page here on the day.

Or if you have an interesting Plus One story, please share with me and my guests. Did you marry your Plus One? Did something really embarrassing happen?

Don't post here now... I want a surprise! But there will be a blog post up on the 29th August you can share your Plus One with. Put your thinking caps on... like Sophie, you have a week to find a Plus One...

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Second Book Worries

Last blog post - 10th August! I must change that. 

I usually work Saturday mornings but I have a day off today, so I haven't been up since silly o'clock plastering a fake smile across my face. The idea is that I actually do some writing. Hmmm...

I have sent off a blog post to feature on a fellow writer's blog. And I do have another one to answer too. Then I will get back to my second book.

I emailed my editor (will never tire of that, never!) and she agreed that I could send her the synopsis and the first three chapters. I decided I didn't want to spend loads of time getting this book edited and Harper Impulse say no it's not what we want. So I thought I'd run it by them first before investing time into it. Time I will need to start writing my third book if they hate this second one.

But how can they hate Steve Mason, my Hollywood hunk who looks a bit like Bradley Cooper in my mind? Ha ha! Yes, it's been a real chore writing this book, not.

Now this book is currently called Perfect Isn't An Option, yet, considering how my first book had a name change, don't get too used to it.

Yesterday I read through my RNA NWS critique notes and didn't cry. One year later, and it doesn't appear so bad after all. I'm going to fatten up the synopsis so it has a bit more detail for my editor (it's only one page at the moment) and tidy up the first three chapters and send them over... And wait for the green light.

I suppose while I wait, I could start drafting up and brainstorming book three? This is where I need to get more organised. I just feel like I'm walking around knowing I should be doing something but not sure what. The promotional side of the first book, and hanging out with the other Harper Impulse authors is great fun but very time consuming. I'm going to have to say, get a 1000 words done, then you can chat.

Any other suggestions would be welcome? What should I be doing as a newly-about-to-be-published author?

Plus One is a Lucky Number will be published 29th August. Whoop! You can pre-order now on Amazon if you really want to.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Written Fireside Part 2

As I mentioned in this blog post here, I'm participating in a round robin with some fellow Harper Impulse authors. It started on Lori Connelly's blog

Part 1 is here on Lori's Written Fireside blog. And here's the story continued...

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Book Review: Confessions of a Chalet Girl by Lorraine Wilson

Confessions of a Chalet GirlConfessions of a Chalet Girl by Lorraine   Wilson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a lovely, sexy and gentle humoured read.

Scott and Holly spark straight away! Unfortunately, Scott doesn't date the staff... but luckily for Holly he decides to make an exception.

You can't help but like Holly. She proves she's clever from the start. And, well, Scott... you're going to have to read for yourself!

View all my reviews

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Written Fireside

This is a feature that Lori Connelly (a fellow Harper Impulse author) has put together and I will be taking part in.

The idea is that during the month, each author will add to a story, as if sitting by a camp fire - a round robin type thing. Lori explains it how it works here.

I'm terribly nervous about this, but thought I would give it a go.

Lori has posted the first part of the story, here... In a few days I will be posting the next part - eek!

August Fire Writers

Lori Connelly - Blog Facebook Twitter
Her book - The Outlaw of Cedar Ridge

Teresa F. Morgan -  Website  Facebook  Twitter
Her book - Plus One is a Lucky Number

Romy Sommer - Website  Facebook  Twitter
Her book - Waking up in Vegas

Charlotte Phillips - Website  Facebook  Twitter
Her book - Your Room or Mine?

To start reading click below

Monday, 5 August 2013

Plus One is a Lucky Number

I'm so excited I could burst! I can finally reveal my book cover. 

I'm living proof dreams do come true. You just got to work at it.

Plus One is a Lucky Number will be published by Harper Impulse on 29th August 2013 and is available from today to pre-order from Amazon

The announcement is here on their blog! And this is my author profile there too! 

Here's the blurb - I love how the original name for this book has been included; 

The Wedding Favour…

Sophie’s going to a wedding where the invite is strictly plus one… but with her single girl status not exactly fitting in with the bridesmaid dress code, and the best man being none other than the ex she would rather forget, Sophie needs a favour and she needs it fast!

Luckily for Sophie, her dreamy but distant co-worker Adam Reid owes their mutual friend James a favour…and his gorgeousness more than fills the role of the ‘Perfect Boyfriend’!

I want to thank Harper Impulse for accepting me on their team, and giving me the opportunity to work with fabulous authors I consider as my colleagues. All fantastic people who I will try to introduce you to on this blog. 

With this teeny-tiny announcement, this afternoon has gone manic... I best get back over to Twitter. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Third Book Panic

I'm having this panic attack and I haven't even got the second book sent off to the publisher yet. But I keep fearing once that's done I need to write my third book. Eeek!

The other night, while sipping champagne and delving into an Eton Mess, I did discuss my ideas for a third book with a writer friend. And thankfully she did say it sounded promising! Phew! I just need to work out a few plot holes. But I think the plot will thicken as I start to write the book - I hope!

As there is nothing left to do with my first book, but promo to the hilt, I'm going to get that second book polished and over to my publisher, so that I can start writing that third book. (Actually it's all rather exciting.) I need to get this ball rolling. Apparently it's the only way to see the royalties come in and make a difference. 

And I need that difference. 

On Monday my book, now called Plus One Is A Lucky Number (it's had another name change), will be available on Amazon. So watch this space, peeps! I'll be able to share my cover and the publisher! Yay! I can't wait. Can you?