
Saturday, 22 November 2014

Autumn is Here!

Autumn really is officially here. I do now have my central heating on. However, I would say, it's still not ultra cold. (This morning was abysmal with the rain though).

Sometimes coming up with a new blog post idea is hard work - my mind really is blank (although I know I still haven't done my 'all things purple' post).

I have been neglecting my blog lately. And these days, I'm finding less and less are leaving comments. But I get loads of page views. My blog has now reached - all time - over 100,000 page views which is awesome.

In my defence for neglecting my blog, I did get my edits back for One Fine Day, and I wanted to get those sorted and back to my editor as quickly as possible - the ebook is out 8th January after all.

The cover is now up on Amazon and that's exciting too. To explain the cover a little; it is supposed to have an autumnal feel as the book is set from October through to January. Although Christmas does get a mention, I didn't want it having a Christmas cover. The buildings are supposed to represent the setting; Bristol. And the bird... I want as a trademark lol!

I'm so excited about this book. I hope my readers will love it. It feels wonderful that both books that I've written have got accepted and published, which means they will get read. It doesn't matter if it's only two people, it just feels fabulous! Many writers have novels tucked away that will never see the light of day. Think of all those stories and songs that never get read/heard...

Now I know it's still November and many of us still don't like mentioning the C word... (Christmas, not the other C word!), but I'm going to do another advent calendar on my blog this year.

I tried it a couple of years ago and it was a great success. How it works is that I will post something everyday for the twenty four calendar days. I know it's not quite like opening a real one and getting a piece of yummy chocolate, but my advent calender will be better for you. And I promise some eye-candy :)

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Cover Reveal: One Fine Day

This is my second book! What was under the working title of Perfect Isn't An Option.

One Fine Day will be published in eBook on the 8th January 2015 and in paperback in March 2015.

I am truly excited about this book because I fell in love with the concept when I first started writing it, way back in 2011. I really hope my readers will love this story too.

This book is loosely set in Bristol and looks at three relationships, not just one. Ruby - Steve's sister, just screamed at me for a bigger part and she got it.

I will not lie, and if you follow my blog you will already know this, but Bradley Cooper was my inspiration for Steve. But maybe more on that in another blog post...

Here's the blurb - One Fine Day: 

Just a boy standing in front of a girl…

Steve Mason returns from Hollywood after 15 years to catch up with his sister, Ruby. He’s miserable because the woman he was planning on marrying has dumped him.

He’s now worried that with his A-list celebrity status he won’t find a woman who genuinely loves him. Ruby devises a plan to disguise Steve, so that he is unrecognisable as the famous Hollywood actor, in a hope to help him find true love. It worked for Clark Kent, right?

As Steve searches for his not-so-perfect woman and has a taste of normality, his relationship develops with his sister. But will he find the right woman before he has to head back to his real life in Hollywood?

Available to pre-order on Amazon UK and Amazon US 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Fake Friday with Debbie Johnson

Today I have Debbie Johnson, fellow HarperImpulse author talking about her new book 'Cold Feet At Christmas' which was published 6th November and writing.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Yes! From being very small – I had a slightly crazy childhood, and reading, then writing, was the best possible form of escape. I was always telling stories – first about puppies, then about men I fancied as a teenager, then about many other things as I (technically) grew up! I worked as a journalist for a long time though, which was an awesome job – so much fun, really hard work but such a blast, great social life (for that, read: going to the pub!). Partly the style of writing you use as a journalist, and partly that great social life, meant that writing fiction was put on hold for over a decade. It was only when I left the industry I was able to tap into that part of my brain again.

Did you manage to get the first book you wrote published, or is it tucked in a drawer somewhere?

Long, torturous story…I’ve written 6 books. One – an urban fantasy called Dark Vision – was published in spring, with the sequel out in March 2015. This book for HarperImpulse – Cold Feet At Christmas – and another for them. Plus two that have yet to see the light of published day, despite them being the first two I ever wrote, and despite one of them winning a big competition (the Harry Bowling Prize). Irons are in fires, however. I write fantasy, and romance, and crime, and am considering a Western or a spy novel to complete my set!

What’s so special about your heroine that makes your hero fall in love with her?

Leah, the heroine, is incredibly special. In fact, I’m kind of in love with her myself! She has had some truly crappy situations to deal with in life – the death of her parents, finding out her hubbie was cheating on her with the bridesmaid on the day of her wedding, falling for our hero and seeing her whole world fall apart as a result…but she always, always, stays bright. Optimistic. Sees the funny side, and celebrates her glass being half full. I wish I was more like her! She’s also incredibly loyal, lusty, caring and foul-mouthed. All qualities I admire in a woman!

What do you read while you write, or don’t you?

I read all the time, and the mix is ridiculous – I love crime fiction, dystopian, fantasy, espionage, horror, romance. But I do try to avoid reading a genre which I am at that time writing in – it only results in author envy where you see other writers doing it so much better than you feel you are!

What do you do with a paperback once you’ve read it?

My house is a book avalanche waiting to happen. They are piled up everywhere. I think I may have lost one of my kids behind my Charlaine Harris collection, in fact! So, new policy I try and stick to – if it’s a book I really love, or an author I really love, I find a space for it. If not, it gets taken to the charity shop or passed on to a friend. It’s always hard to part with them though…

What’s the best bit of writing advice you’ve ever received or read? 

To put your first draft away in a drawer (or the electronic version) for a couple of weeks after you’ve written. Your eyes really do see different things once you’ve taken a break from it! Also, re: edits – this is always a hard part of the job, but if you are even THINKING your book could possibly live without a scene, then cut it!

What things inspire you to write? Location, music, film or even in a book?

Location, very much so. Liverpool is wonderful for that – the waterfront, the coastline, the culture, the architecture, the characters you see! I travelled to New York last year to ‘research’ my second fantasy novel, Dark Touch, which is partly set there. And straight after a holiday to Cornwall, I wrote my second HarpreImpulse romance.I’m like an atmosphere junkie: I soak everything I see and hear and smell and feel, like a human-shaped sponge! I was also a pop writer on my local paper for 10 years, so music is important.

How would your best friend describe you in 140 characters? 

‘Funny, loyal, hard working, and often drunk!’

Do I need to check if that's 140 characters? Sounds just like me :) Thanks for visiting my blog and good luck with your book, Debbie. It sounds fun! 

Cold Feet At Christmas Blurb:

Running out on your wedding shouldn’t be this much fun!
A remote Scottish castle on a snowy Christmas Eve. A handsome husband-to-be. A dress to die for. It should have been the happiest day of Leah Harvey’s life – but the fairytale wedding turns sour when she finds her fiancĂ© halfway up the bridesmaid’s skirt just hours before the ceremony!
Fleeing the scene in a blizzard, Leah ends up stranded at the nearest cottage, where she collapses into the arms of its inhabitant – a man so handsome she thinks she must have died and gone to heaven!
And when Rob Cavelli suddenly finds himself with an armful of soaking wet, freezing cold, and absolutely gorgeous bride on the run, he’s more than happy to welcome her into his snowbound cottage this Christmas…

About Debbie Johnson:

After spending many years working as a journalist, I decided to stop telling other people’s stories, and start making up my own! I work from home in a very messy house near the beach, and write in between pouring bowls of Coco Pops for my three children and my dog (only kidding – he prefers Frosties!). I’m married to a man who is both a librarian and a musician – the perfect combination – and love to write pure, escapist fun. As well as romance, I’m also a published author in fantasy, and am working hard on crime as well. Or writing about it, at least.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

More Proverbs Less Confusion

Once again, I have been neglecting my blog, and I apologise profusely.

We are in November already. I still haven't turned the heating on... and actually, the trees outside my house still have most of their leaves.

I have a couple of topics I'd like to discuss, but on this post I want to talk about More Haste Less Speed... which I've been saying for the last forty years as Less Haste More Speed, because to me, that makes sense.

Why does it make sense to me? Because usually when I am rushing around trying to do something, and it takes longer because I am rushing, (I usually drop something, or find myself doing it twice, three times and swearing a lot!) I say to myself, "Teresa, less haste, more speed." i.e. slow down! Whereas, although the other way means the same thing, it doesn't feel like it's telling me to slow down, it's just lecturing me. It's telling me if I rush I'll be slower.

Now the reason it's come to light that I've been saying it wrong all this time is due to being in work on Friday. For one reason or another I was discussing it with my colleague and the postman - I think I was trying to tie up the mailbags quickly for the postman. They were both saying no, no it's more haste less speed... and I was like, really? I'll have to Google it. (Where would we be without the internet?)

Saturday I was back in work on my own, and we got to discussing this funny little proverb, and even a customer agreed with me that he thought it was Less Haste... then another customer afterwards said, no, it actually is More Haste...

Then I decided I MUST Google it.

Admittedly I always muddle my metaphors and sayings, so it doesn't surprise me I am wrong. I did go Google though, and this is what I came up with - a discussion on Mumsnet...  (I feel relieved I am not the only person on this earth getting it wrong.)

Now, could it be that I was taught Less Haste More Speed? Is it an area thing? Is it another North/South divide or what? You know, the same as how we pronounce scones, or should it be jam first then cream (Weirdos - of course it's cream first then jam!) Or have I just been saying it wrong all these years?

Anyone else out there thought the saying went less haste more speed?