
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Fake Friday with Rhoda Baxter

Kids are back to school, and we're already wishing is it Friday yet? Therefore I have  real treat today for Fake Friday!

I am thrilled to have Choc-Lit author, Rhoda Baxter on my blog today talking about writing and her latest book, Doctor January. 

Hi, Rhoda, have you always wanted to be a writer?

Yes. I also wanted to be over 5ft tall and an astronaut. I didn’t manage those other two.

Did you manage to get the first book you wrote published, or is it tucked in a drawer somewhere?

My first book was too long and too wordy and I really was trying hard to be writerly, which made it not very reader-friendly. I have it on my computer still, along with revisions which are much, much shorter than the original. One day I’ll edit it into shape. Until then, it’ll be there to remind me how far I’ve come.

What’s so special about your hero that makes your heroine fall in love with him?

Hibs from Doctor January – he was her friend first. He’s kind and considerate and clever. He makes her feel safe and he’s very supportive of her decisions (a lot of people in Beth’s life have not been). Notice I’ve not mentioned that he’s handsome. He is, but Beth has learned the hard way that handsome isn’t everything.

Why do you like writing romance?

I love that first kiss feeling. You know the one, when you’re watching a film (I ‘see’ what I write like a film, hence the example) and the two main characters look into each other’s eyes and you feel the excitement anticipation of their first kiss. That feeling. I can’t go around falling in love with random men all the time – I have a husband and, besides, who has that TIME for all that chasing around – so I just make up people who do it for me.

What do you do with a paperback once you’ve read it? 

I rarely read paperbacks now. I read on my Kindle. If I do buy a paperback, it’s usually a keeper. I have been known to read a kindle book, then go out and buy hardcopy to keep. If I do have a paperback I don’t want to keep, I tend to donate it to the local library.

What’s the best bit of writing advice you’ve ever received or read?
Write something you’ll enjoy. My first book (see above) was very worthy and I was trying too hard to be literary. When I let go and started to write a book with jokes in, I felt so much better. I also had more fun writing it, which shows. So don’t write what you feel you should be writing. Write what you want to write. In other words, have fun.

Are you nervous about friends reading your book? 

No. But I worry about my mum reading them. Which is why there aren’t any graphic sex scenes.

Cocktail or shot? Cocktail please. I really don’t want to be shot.

Tea or coffee? Tea. I only have coffee I want to feel hyper.

Chocolate or ice cream? What? It’s a choice?? Oh, okay. Chocolate. Or chocolate ice cream if that’s on offer.

Dogs or cats? Dogs. Awwww.

Thanks so much, Rhoda for taking the time to come on my blog! 

Author Bio

Rhoda Baxter always wanted to be a writer, but her parents told her she needed to get a ‘real’ job and write in her spare time. So she became a scientist and works in Intellectual Property. She now writes contemporary romantic comedies in whatever spare time she can fit around her day job and her family. Which means her parents were right all along. How irritating

Her latest novel, Doctor January is published by Choc Lit.

Rhoda can be found wittering on about science, comedy and cake on her website, Facebook (, Google+ or on Twitter (@rhodabaxter). Please pop by and say hello.

Blurb for Doctor January:

If you keep looking back, you might miss what’s standing right in front of you …

Six months after a painful break-up from Gordon, Beth’s finally getting her life back on track. She has faith in her own scientific theories and is willing to work hard to prove them. She’s even beginning to see Hibs, her dedicated lab partner, as more than just a lousy lothario in a lab-coat and goggles.

So when Gordon arrives back from America without warning and expects to be welcomed back into Beth’s arms, she’s totally thrown. She also quickly begins to see that Gordon isn’t the man she thought he was … Hibs has always held a candle for Beth, but he can only wait so long for her to realise there’s more to life than being patronised and bullied by the one who’s meant to love and protect her.

Will Beth forsee the explosive nature beneath Gordon’s placid surface before he destroys everything she’s worked for, both inside and outside the lab?

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Researching Truro

No longer having a book in hand, I'm now tapping away at book 3. Admittedly, reading some of it back the other day, I was thinking, God, I will need to put some excitement into this! lol! But I figured, I can do that with the editing stage. It's a good idea to just get the base of the story down - yes?

One of the scenes I was writing was based in Truro. I'd found out through the powers of Twitter (I love social media) this is the best place to shop for those living in Cornwall. However, I'm writing this scene and I've never been to Truro - I don't even know what to picture. Does it have a Costa?

I messaged my friend who lives in Cornwall, and from that and checking out hotel prices on, realised I needed to go visit the place for myself.

Shame I hadn't set it in Paris, Madrid or Rome huh? But unfortunately my book is set in Cornwall... maybe book 4 - but this would mean me getting a passport.

So, last weekend, with beautiful blue sky - it could have been summer only the car was telling us it was 5 degrees Celsius out there - we headed off to Truro Saturday afternoon and killed two birds with one stone - well, three actually. On the Saturday evening, I caught up with my friend who I haven't seen in over 20 years. We've been chatting to each other via Facebook (this is the positive side to Facebook) so we weren't strangers, but it really is lovely to meet someone in the flesh and give them a hug.

Mr Aquarius and I stayed in the County Arms, which was a very lovely hotel, but the price didn't include breakfast. This was good because it meant we had to get out there and explore Truro on the Sunday and hunt out a good cafe.

Mr Aquarius unaware he's in a photo
Francis Potts, who is a cyber friend - as in I've only met him over the internet; we're Twitter and Facebook chums - came and met us for a coffee and a chat as he only lives in Penzance. So now I feel we are no longer just virtual friends. :)

My school friend, Karen. 
Then, Mr Aquarius and I walked around the streets of Truro, exploring the high street and even visiting inside the Cathedral. And on the way home, we stopped off to take a look at The Jamaica Inn like true tourists.

I'm so glad I went to Truro. I observed and listened to the sounds - seagulls, even though Truro is not technically on the coast  - and I hadn't realised the Cathedral could be seen from pretty much anyway in Truro... or at least heard when the bells chimed.

And the city does have a Costa...

Now I've just got to weave this into the chapter of my book...

Monday, 9 February 2015

Another Nikki Moore's Love London Series

Valentine’s on Primrose Hill
Released 9th February
#LoveLondon Series; eBook 3 (Short Story)
by Nikki Moore
Read this exciting romance series set in London...

What’s it about?
For Georgiana Dunn, life changed forever in the devastating moment that the lorry hit her car.
Scarred and scared, she's not left the house properly in months. Then her mum buys her a puppy, forcing her to face the world again, walking on London's beautiful Primrose Hill. But that doesn't mean she's looking forward to Valentine's Day.
Leo devotes himself to working with children with special educational needs. In fact, he does very little else, and his friends are always telling him to get a (love) life. So when they challenge him to find a date for Valentine's Day, and he meets a lovely but lost girl who looks like she could use a friend, he thinks he's found the perfect solution.
But life has a way of being less than perfect … Will he be left standing on his own on the most romantic day of the year?
Get it from Amazon for only 99p!
Praise for the #LoveLondon series...

Skating at Somerset House
A warm hearted winter tale that had me engaged from the very beginning. I genuinely cannot wait to read the rest’ LJ Bentley, Amazon
 ‘Sexy, fun and everything you need in one neat, gorgeous package. This is a winner for me.’ Chicks That Read.
This is going to be a fabulous series, I can feel it!Simona Elena, Sky’s Book Corner.

New Year at The Ritz
This is a lovely read that delivers more than you'd expect from such a short story. Nikki has written a book that not only delivers on the romantic front, after all, every girl wants a happy ending, especially at New Year. But, she also made me smile, ahhh a lot and got me thinking.’ Dawn Crooks, Crooks on Books
A sweet and flirty short story, I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait to see what Nikki comes up with for the next book in the series.’ Simona Elena, Sky’s Book Corner.

The full #LoveLondon series published by HarperImpulse;
Skating at Somerset House (Short Story); Out Now
New Year at The Ritz (Short Story); Out Now;
Valentine's on Primrose Hill (Short Story); 9 February 2015
Cocktails in Chelsea (Short Story); March 2015 (Link coming soon)
Strawberries at Wimbledon (Short Story); April 2015 Pre-order
Picnics in Hyde Park, (Novel); Ebook May 2015 Pre-order