
Sunday, 30 August 2015

Waterstone's Book Signing

I guess you're all dying to know how well the book signing in Waterstone's Weston-super-Mare went. Well, other than having problems tweeting and sharing photos to social media whilst in Waterstone's - I so wanted to post this first picture to say I was set up and ready to go! - it was a huge success.

I have uploaded all the pictures so far received from friends to my Facebook page and my website if you fancy a nose around.

Old school friends, Karen and Suzanne
I had a huge amount of support from friends old and new. Two school friends drove from Surrey to reach me, too. All bar one copy of One Fine Day were sold. But I quite liked that it got to be put on the shelf. And there were about ten copies of Plus One is a Lucky Number left. I've signed all the remaining books, so a lucky reader can still pick up a signed copy of Plus One is a Lucky Number in store.

As you can see from the photos I had my sweets out, which is great if readers bring children. I also had a small notepad handy for checking the spelling of names. Nothing worse than spelling a name incorrectly. I made sure I had plenty of pens too, and gave out my book marks.

Weston's Waterstone's has a Costa Coffee shop tucked inside it. So I was supplied with coffee to keep me going.

The bit that made me nervous the most about the book signing was approaching people - I am not very good at sales as past failed jobs have proved - but as my writery friend, June Bastable advised, you do get a real buzz when they become interested in you and your books, and ask for a signed copy.

Because it was a bank holiday weekend, and the weather wasn't too bad on the Saturday, the shop did quieten down during the afternoon, but otherwise, all in all, it was a fun experience and a great success!

To mark being a published author - a professional writer - for two whole years yesterday, I signed every copy of my books with a star, just like Rachel Berry. 

I want to thank everybody who turned up on the day to support me and all those who bought my books. And thank you to all those that couldn't make it but sent me kind messages to show they were thinking of me. It really did a mean the world to me.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Two Years As A Published Writer

Two years today, I became a published writer!

An author.

And to make it feel even more real, I'll be book signing in Waterstone, Weston-super-Mare today! (29th August 2.30pm)

I started writing in 2006 as a hobby, and then decided I wanted to improve a little, so signed up to the Writer's Bureau in 2009. From then on, I've been wanting to write professionally.

As those of you know, who follow my blog, my dream came true in 2013. On Thursday 29th August 2013, Plus One is a Lucky Number was released as an eBook with Harper Impulse, a HarperCollins imprint.

I was offered a two book contract. TWO books! Yes, I nearly fell off my chair as I read the email too!

I published as Teresa F Morgan because someone had already self-published as Teresa Morgan. I don't have a middle name so the F stands for my maiden name, Frewing.

What's it feel like two years on?

Well, I'm still pinching myself if truth be told. It does feel really good. Okay, the reality is I still can't give up the 'day' job. (Oh how I give a little chuckle when I get asked if I'm going to be rich and famous! We can't all be the next J K Rowling I'm afraid... Or Lee Child...) Although, some of my day job is looking after the kids, and I think I have that job for a lifetime. That doesn't pay so well either.

What have I learnt?

Not to rely on the royalties! Ha ha!

And not to take to heart the reviews... the bad ones that is.

To agree to shorter book titles. I am loathed to shorten Plus One is a Lucky Number to Plus One sometimes. But it is a bugger to tweet about! It takes up so many characters - when you only have 140.

And not to stress about advertising too much. The best thing I can do is carry on writing. So yes, I am working on my third book which I hope to get published next year. (Progress will resume once kids are back at school though.)

I claim to be no literary genius... I write brain candy for women, i.e. romance. Although as an article I read the other day suggested, I shouldn't discredit myself for only writing romance. I usually joke I'm not clever enough to write crime, however, hopefully my readers agree too, I am clever enough to explore the relationship of two human beings, and the complexity of it.

If you would like to find out more about my books, here are the links below.

Plus One is a Lucky Number

One Fine Day

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Need Cheering Up Saturday?

If you're in Weston-super-Mare on Saturday and you need cheering up after walking around the Banksy Dismaland, then why not pop into Waterstones, Weston-super-Mare, inside the Sovereign Centre and meet a local romance author. Romance authors are much more positive, and far from dismal. We write books with Happy Ever Afters for a start!

I'll be signing copies of both my books, One Fine Day and Plus One is a Lucky Number from 2pm.

There's also a Costa, so if it's raining, even better for an excuse to come in from the lovely weather we're having. Have no fear, it will be scorching hot by about Wednesday, because the kids are due back to school.

Considering the amount of coverage Banksy is getting, today, I was lucky enough to make it into the local newspaper - The Mercury.  A few facts about my books are a bit skewy, but hey ho. All publicity is good publicity, right?

I went to the shops and picked up my copy today! (And my Google Alert alerted me to the online article - Yay Google Alert actually works!)

On Saturday, it will be the 2nd Book birthday of Plus One is a Lucky Number, which was first published in eBook on the 29th August, 2013. That means I've been a "professional" writer for two years...

I have sweets and bookmarks to give away, and a very friendly smile, so come along and say hi! I'll be signing my books with a star, just like Rachel Berry.

Oh, and if you spot Brad Pitt wandering around Dismaland, drag him in too, won't you? He'll need cheering up after Dismaland, too.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Who Finds Time To Write In The Summer Hols?

Treated myself to Sunflowers :)
Anyone else finding it difficult to write during the summer holidays?

I've been trying to do mine at the weekends when the boys are with their dad. I did have a week at the beginning of the summer holidays, which was fairly productive, then I selfishly swanned off to Spain for three nights and three days which would have been when I could write. (But I'm not changing that experience for the world). I did do a lot of reading though - which counts as a writing related activity in my book!

So yes, productivity is very slow - and as usual I'm beating myself up about it!

Currently I'm working on my third book which has the working title of To Love Again.

This weekend, I did manage over 1500 words, and it was a poignant moment for my heroine. I got to use some of the emotions I've been feeling over the past few months. I only hope I've managed to grasp them within the words I've written.

These past couple of months I've been reflective on everything. I decided that Spain would draw a line under all the shit I'd felt this year so far, and would move on. And I have... but I do have my moments of dwelling, and trying to decide what do I really want.

Maybe sometimes these things in life are sent to us for a reason. They hurt, and time heals, and if nothing more, I've been able to apply it to my writing. There have been moments when I've wished for that time machine to whisk me forward to show me things will be all right. To this moment, where I feel happier.

Life for me is pretty good at the moment - although I don't like to get too excited. Life has a way of throwing a spanner in the works. Yet, now I'm concentrating on me and the people who are important to me, and not looking for 'the one', I'm finding I'm in a better place. Some days are harder than others, where the fear of loneliness creeps in, but generally, I'm good. I'm about to finish the third season of Glee - I can recommend Glee as fantastic feel good therapy. Singling, dancing and teenage romances... What's not to love?

It's been over five months now since #MrAquarius upped and left, and something like over two months with #TheBoyWithTheDragonTattoo, however I do not feel in any shape or form ready to date again. I can feel me being cynical to anything a man may try to tell me. I can hear myself saying, "Hang on, let me just fit my bullshit defenders on, oh, now carry on..." Yeah, so not how to get a man.

The next guy really is going to have his work cut out. He really will have to prove his worth. Don't envy him! lol!

Another reason I am in no frame of mind to do the online dating thing again, is it takes up so much time. So, until the book is finished, and I feel ready for some fun, I'm sticking to my single life. And maybe, when I'm at my most happiest, and not really looking for love, it will find me...

Saturday, 1 August 2015

34 In The Shade

Beach - Wednesday!
If you follow me on Twitter and Facebook you'd have learnt of my excitement about travelling to Spain for a few days.

I returned late Thursday, rose for work Friday, and then out with friends, and then worked again this morning. Nothing like burning the wick at both ends! I have now finally sat down and caught up with social media.

I had three nights and three days in Spain, flying out late Monday night.

To be honest, the plane ride was just as important to me as I love flying. I haven't been on a plane in over 10 years. The last time I flew was from Filton to Toulouse with work (Airbus). I had been 4-5 months pregnant, carrying Ben. So when my cousin invited me and 'my new passport' out to visit them, I flew at the opportunity :)

Mijas - Thursday am
I don't have huge amounts of holiday days available to take this year, and what I have got, I need to cover with childcare. But the boys were with their dad, and I thought I needed to get away. It was like drawing a line under the last 7 months. If I didn't do it now, it would be another year before I got the chance.

On the Tuesday I had to entertain myself. I took to reading in the shade a lot as it was 34 degrees Celsuis - in the shade! (I've been telling people this a lot since I've returned!) Spain are currently having a heat wave. Wednesday was spent with my cousin and her partner on the beach (Fuengirola) - taking brief dips in the sea - without a wetsuit! - avoiding the Medusa Jellyfish, then showering, then sitting back in the shade drinking ice cold beers. Thursday, a little more confident of the area, I spent the morning in Mijas, then went back to the public pool in the afternoon. It's a refreshing reward after a long walk up a mountain!

View from Mijas
The flight over wasn't too exciting, except I was talking to a handsome Spaniard (and sadly his girlfriend, although she was lovely too lol!) the whole flight. On my return, it was dark, and flying out of Spain was fabulous, seeing pockets of fairy lights on the ground. Somewhere on the horizon which could have been Spain or France, there was a thunder storm going on, and I could see these clouds light up in the dark, and forks of lightning. I was supposed to be reading my book, but found myself watching the sky.

And, believe it or not, as we came into the UK, it was clear too, so I saw Bristol all lit up. I could see car headlights going along roads. It was like looking down on miniature villages but at night. I couldn't work out where we were flying over, but I'm assuming we cut across Cornwall, and flew up the Bristol Channel as the (nearly) full moon lit up the sea.

And I'm now back to reality... and not even hitting 20 degrees C :'( And it's rained on my washing. Welcome back to the good old British Summer.

The Cave :)