
Sunday, 12 January 2020

How To Be A Writer Panel Discussion

It's only the 12th January, and I already have some incredible dates in the diary!*

And this is one of the exciting things happening for me this year! The event is on Thursday 6th February 2020 at 7.30pm.

I'm going to be on a panel with three other wonderful authors discussing how to be a writer. We'll be covering our writing routines, dealing with publishers, getting agents etc.

It is a ticketed event, so, if you live in the Weston-super-Mare area and would like to come along, you need to purchase your ticket here.

If you want to find out more about the four of us, click here.

I'm really looking forward to this night, and it should be a lot of fun! Hope to see you there!

Teresa x 

*(I don't have time to date date - which is a good job, because I'm not even going there right now. That's another blog post!) 

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Be Proactive Not Reactive

Happy New Year, friends, family, followers and readers!

I'm not very good at New Year's resolutions. Although I have set myself a goal of some sort this year. I signed up to the Writer's Bureau Proofreading and Copy Editing course. And my goal is to complete this before May half-term.

You can take two years to do it, but I was told it can be completed in four months. And let's face it, the sooner I complete it the sooner I benefit from it. I'm hoping it will help with my own writing and editing, the editing part being a weakness of mine, and who knows, I may even get to work freelance as a proofreader/copy editor.

With the kids back to school, yesterday was my full day at home and I cracked on. I am still writing my positives into a diary every evening, two years on. It really does help you focus on the good things in life rather than the bad things. I don't have exciting things to put in every day. Yesterday's three positives were; I started and finished module one of my course, I did some writing and I worked out. But I felt so positive that I'd achieved a lot and ticked some jobs off my to-do list that last night, I wrote at the front of the diary, "Be Proactive Not Reactive."

Another of my resolutions. Not very successful at it though.
So I suppose that's going to be my New Year's resolution. To try to get jobs done - rather than put them off - and concentrate a little harder on me and my self development, whether it's career, health or even things around the home. (I have rooms that I would really like to get decorated!)

I could just do with earning some more money so that I could have that holiday abroad I keep dreaming about....