
Tuesday, 27 October 2020

The Only Thing Standing Between You And Your Goal Is YOU.

I've come to realise, especially with reading lots of self-development lately, that, without sounding lazy, I don't want to go back to full time work. 

I've been lucky that for the past 16 years I've been a stay-at-home mum, only working part-time. Those hours have increased as the boys have got older, and my divorce requiring me to work more for working tax credit purposes etc.

However, I love this part-time life, and I wouldn't be a writer if I didn't have it.

I love that I am here for my children - even though they're getting less dependent on me now. 

So my goal is to remain working part-time. In fact, my goal is to eventually be my own boss in my own business. But one step at a time... 

I've never thought myself ambitious, but it's like I've had some realisation that I actually am.

When I started my new venture I didn't realise this. But now, I want the holidays, the cars... it's not about the money, it's about the life I wish to lead, providing for my kids; the financial independence. Which is so important as a single mother!

Maybe working years for a company I don't really like has helped this realisation, because I've seen it with my own eyes. I'll always be a number, an employee, easily replaceable. The only way I'll earn more is to work more for them (or another company). And it's still capped.

Today, I paid for my oven to be cleaned. I usually do this every 1-2 years. One day I want to able to afford a cleaner for my house! The only way I'll do this if I work for myself and not work for someone else. 

Also today, as well as touching my business, I've had the time to put dinner on in the slow cooker and make a batch of my 7-veg tomato sauce, which I generally use as a homemade pasta sauce. 

This free time is so important to me! 

This journey won't be easy - I certainly can't give up the part-time job yet. I'm not on some get rich quick scheme and I'm well out of my comfort zone. But nothing ever grows in your comfort zone. I've seen that it works for others, so why can't it work for me too?  

I can't recommend self-development books enough! Positive thoughts definitely is key. They've made me realise my potential.

Never quit on a bad day. We're all going to get them. The journey will never be easy. But if you want it bad enough, the Universe will make it happen.

Friday, 16 October 2020

My Birthday Month!

For those of you who don't know, October is my birthday month, so I've been rather busy catching up with friends.

I'm a little late on the blogging about it, as it was a few days ago my actual birthday.

I got to see my mum, which was the best present ever. We don't get to see each other much at the best of times, but Covid-19 has reduced the visits further. 

Our next date scheduled is Christmas, as I actually have about 10 days off this year, the way Christmas and my shifts fall. However, at this rate, we might be all eating outside, if we're not allowed to mix inside. 

Anyway, today has been quite random, because usually I'd be a work work. So, today feels like a Sunday. I even had the boys home as they broke up for half-term yesterday. (They get 2 weeks off).

I sent off my manuscript - Christmas At Kittiwake Cove - to my agent, so I feel I'm in limbo land writing wise. Hence, I thought I'd blog. But now I'm sat at my desk, I'm thinking... what the hell did I want to blog about? I lie in bed, failing to sleep, thinking up topics I should blog about. And now I'm here, I can't think of one. 

Maybe I really should do the dusting... (that I've been ignoring...) 

This blog post is a good opportunity to say my latest newsletter is here if you'd like to read it. And if you don't want to miss any of my newsletters, then you can subscribe here

Oh and if you're looking for belated birthday gift ideas; Tom Hiddleston, Henry Cavill or even, after binge-watching Fleabag with my mum, Andrew Scott would be just lovely. (Andrew Scott is HOT when not playing the psycho Moriarty!)

Thank you for reading! Look after yourself, and stay safe, 


Teresa xxx