
Monday, 16 January 2023

I Am Grateful

My RSI is still playing up, even with much rest over the Christmas period, so I'm going to very quickly bash this out but possibly not take too much time over editing... sorry. I'm finding it quite frustrating if truth be told. And I love using my PC, I love my new admin job and I love typing, etc. 

However, it's made me very grateful that I got involved with UW two and a half years ago. If my RSI suffering stresses nothing else, it shows I can't go back to full-time work in an office, even if I love the work. 

I joined UW to fund my writing passion but now I know it also needs to fund me not going back to full-time work. 

But to be honest, I don't want to go back to full time work, and in fact I would love to ditch it altogether, one day! Hence I joined my network marketing business to achieve this. Imagine, my desk time could be just for writing, and I would be able to manage my RSI even better - being my own boss. 

So, if you're like me, you've got a passion that doesn't really pay that well. Or is a bit sporadic. I've not been paid badly this year, but the royalties aren't reliable, and being a single mum, I don't have someone else bringing in a reliable income, so that I can be the full time writer I desire to be. 

It takes a while for some writers to get to the stage that their royalties from their back list are earning them enough to write the next book. Because when you're writing that draft, you're not getting paid. We only really start getting paid from publication day. And how much we get paid will be down to the publisher and their marketing strategy. And the reality for most writers is that we're not paid anywhere near a full time salary.

I'm not really a New Years Resolutions setter... but I'm stealing this from UW. 

My New Years resolution is to help more people save money and/or like me, earn money. And in turn help change people's lives for the better. Imagine that second pay day every month that can eventually be more than your salary. Fancy something like that? If you're in a Journey of Boredom (JOB) each day, maybe it's time to look at making a change. Life is way too short...  Long-term you'll free up time to be able to do the things you enjoy. It won't happen overnight, but if you start NOW, you'll get there quicker than waiting until you're ready, the time is right, or for that lottery win... 

Message me if you'd like a chat friend to friend. No obligation. 

Life is too short to wish every day away.