
Friday, 15 October 2010

It's Been A Week...

... since I blogged!  This week I've felt under the weather, so have not been able to go running.  And also it being my birthday the other day, and so eating lots of cake, I've probably put loads of weight back on. 

But I'm still feeling crap with this cold, so Monday hopefully I'll be back to the grindstone of running - you shouldn't run on a sore throat, you know?

I have been thinking about The Wedding Favour and it will probably get a slight name change.  Depending on the word length, I am going to extend it past the wedding, get them back at work and missing each other like crazy, then I'm thinking, bit of a role reversal, I'm going to get Adam to ask Sophie to attend a meeting with him - where they need to stay over night!  And this might be the moment when they realise that they should be together blah, blah, blah...

Having the sick bug has meant that I have not been very motivational towards my coursework, but I did manage to punch out a short story of around 1600 words.  I wrote it in first person (which I get nervous about) which is actually rather fun. (If anyone would like to proof read it...?)  It's about jealousy, so her head gets a bit twisted as she watches her so-called friend flirt with a guy she really likes - I can't help it, everything I write turns to romance!

I have a feeling a short romance story that I wrote hasn't made it anywhere, (would have been told by now) so now wondering if I should put it forward to the Brighton short story competition that Sue Moorcroft 'advertised' on her blog.

But I have two short stories now that I need to find something else to do with.  I could post them here, but then that makes them null and void for any other competition, so I'll hang on to them for a bit, give them a tweak etc. 

Well... today's blog has been a bit of ramble.  Sorry about that.  But well, wanted you to know I am alive and kicking, if albeit full of snot!

It's Friday night, hence the weekend, so going to see if I can get some more of my book read and watch a couple of episodes of True Blood.  Just loving the sexual tension between Sookie and Bill at the moment... sometimes that's more fun than the actual 'doing it' bit.


  1. Hi,
    I'll proof read your story if you like - but be warned, as Doris found I don't let much past! Mx

  2. Oh no, that's what I want, Morton ;-) Please can you send me your email addy via Facebook? I'm going to read it through again... a friend has suggested something, so I need to think about it some more, but would be good to have someone else's critical eyes go over it :D Thank you!

  3. If you want another pair of eyes, I'll have a read too.

  4. Sorry to hear you're not well. Feel better soon ((hugs))


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