
Sunday, 19 December 2010

Day 19 - Oh Christmas Tree

With flash off, so you can see the lights, even outside the house and in the window!
As promised yesterday in my blog, here are photographs of my Christmas tree. 

I am feeling pretty pooped today, and still think the lounge needs a few more decorations.  But too tired, and my thumbs just don't have the power to get the drawing pins into the ceiling.  May have to direct hubby to do some more later.

But I thought I would share photos of my Christmas tree, that I chose, (and always then worry that hubby will not like it).  He's rather fussy, and being an engineer, sees faults to the millimetre.  Yes, even in Christmas trees!  It's just easier for me to get the tree on a day when it's quiet, and my dad can put it in his pick-up, to take it home for me. It's a nice narrow one this year, so sits in the corner beautifully, and means the sofa can stay pretty much where it is.

Flash on! And standing in my dining room so that you can see the ceiling decos!
The bookcase in the picture (with flash on) doesn't live there, but we have to move it around, so that the CD cabinet can fit along the wall... as usually its home is where the Christmas tree is.

Haven't done anything else remotely Christmassy as I've been in work this morning (hence my exhaustion). Hubby shovelled the driveway and path, so that he can go to work tomorrow (and get the car off the driveway - we've got a bit of a slope!) while I took a power nap, so hopefully I can do some writing tonight.

I still have presents to wrap, and mince pies, brandy butter and a yule log to make.  But those will have to be closer to Christmas - except the present wrapping, but I'll see if my dad can take the boys out while I do those.

Looking forward to a lay in tomorrow, if the boys will let me.  As we still have snow, I'll concentrate on housework, maybe go for a walk in the snow, but generally intend to have a relaxing day. 

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