
Thursday, 2 December 2010

Day 2 - The Nativity Play

Day 2 of blogging up to Christmas and I watched my son's second nativity play. 

Unfortunately I am not allowed to post pictures, (the world has gone mad about posting pictures of children) but you know it's nearly Christmas when you watch your child's Christmas performance.

Ben's play was The Lucky Owls.  I suppose when you have 60 kids, (2 classes of 30 children) you need to adapt the story some how.  Ben was a bat.  And a very good one too, if I do say so myself.  Yes, okay I am biased.

It was about two owls, cold at night, trying to find somewhere to sleep, and witnessing the birth of baby Jesus.  So cute!

Lovely performance, and great to watch the little ones.  You can tell they're getting that bit bigger (although only 5 and 6 years old) because they were a bit louder with their singing, did more of the actions to the songs and remembered their short lines better.

Secretly hoping one day he gets to be Joseph, or a shepherd, or even a king!

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