
Monday, 6 December 2010

Day 6 - Blog Up To Christmas

I thought I had nothing Christmassy to report today, but as I stood in the shower (that's where I get all my good ideas from and do all my brainstorming - must be the water on my brain!) I realised that I did do something this morning that was Christmas related.

I helped out at Kieran's preschool because they needed more adults to accompany the children, one adult to two children at least, but some only had one child to look after - like me!  The small trip out entailed catching the bus (a double decker) all the way round to St Marks School - yes not even a mile away I doubt - but possibly quicker than trying to get twenty preschoolers to walk there.

We all piled onto the top deck of course, Kieran and I got front seats - which we then had to get off two minutes later.  I bet the other passengers were cursing us.

The little ones watched the Reception class of St Marks School perform the dress rehearsal of their nativity play - so that's two I've seen this year!

Kieran actually sat as good as gold, cuddled up to me.  I'm not sure if he knew what to make of it all - it was rather crowded. 

Then, we all got the bus back - yes, interesting with twenty-odd preschoolers and their teachers and mothers.  We filled the returning bus because it was a small one.  Typical.

We have another trip over to Castlebatch School on Wednesday - to see another nativity play by their Reception classes! That one won't be such a military operation, as we only have to cross the road.  Phew!


  1. Hi,
    Enjoy the nativities. My sister is seven years younger, so I used to go to hers. Then came big son's, he's now 22. I loved little son's, but now he is seven. Guess I'll have to wait for the grandchildren now! Not yet though, please. What I was trying to say, is savour these years, they are all too quickly gone. Mx

  2. Yes, I know. I need to make the most of them because before I know it they'll all be grown up.

  3. I used to love going to the Nativity play - now I'm waiting for my grandson to start school so that I can go again :-)

  4. They tend to limit how many people can attend these days... so it's best to make the most of it while you can.


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