
Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Does Reading A Pocket Novel Count?

I am currently ready Sally Quilford's Pocket Novel; A Collector of Hearts, and I'm wondering does this count towards my book total?

I'm up to chapter six and it's great. Full of ghosts, and a handsome man, who we're not sure if is up to mischief or not, but has keen interest in the heroine - of course!  

I'm reading this for two reasons; 1) Sally wrote it and I made friends with Sally through the New Voice competition; 2) for research purposes, and: 3) it's fiction and I like reading - it's a WRA (Writing Related Activity).

I prefer writing fiction to non-fiction, so maybe this could be another avenue to try.

I've bought a People's Friend pocket novel, too; A Moment In Time by Sheena McRae.  I just want to see what sort of stories get published, and whether I have the ability to write one.  The stories that go around in my head might not be suitable, but by reading these novellas, it might generate a story idea for me - here's hoping!

So anyone reading this blog, and has any tips to get into the pocket novel market; I would gratefully receive them. 

I know I should be doing my non-fiction, (articles etc) and I will pick that up. I think Monday I'll start reading my coursework for my 7th Assignment from The Writer's Bureau.  That should get me in the mood.  I did buy February issue of Sainsbury's Magazine.  I do like this mag!  It's about two quid cheaper than Good Housekeeping and has just as scrummy recipes in it.  (It's where I got my fizzy jelly from.)  So want to read through that and get a letter sent off to them.

I do want this blog to be about my writing, but I like sharing family news too.  I'm not very good at keeping a diary, only because by the time I fall into bed I'm so shattered, and believe it or not, writing with a pen actually makes my hand ache quicker than if I'm typing.

So, my family snippet for today.  Kieran at Stars in Training; he's just gone to the toilet because he has this annoying habit of wanting to go for a wee at wherever he's going, rather than at home before we walk out the door ("Are you sure you don't want the toilet before we leave?" "No, Mummy.")  He tells me he wants to "do" the soap.

I help squeeze on some soap into his hands, and he sniffs his hands and says; "I lub (love) this soap.  It smells dee-ish-us (delicious)."  That's quite a big word for a three-nearly-four-year old, I think! Anyone else probably wouldn't have realised he meant delicious, only parents understand their own kids and are the translators, don't you find?

The hand soap is blueberry and lotus flower or something, by the way.

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