
Saturday, 12 March 2011

Now What Do I Do With It?

It may be a bit premature, but I bought a domain name; - don't even try going there, as I've got nothing up, not paying any hosting or anything.  I just thought I'd reserve it.  It cost me just over £7 (including the VAT) for two years.

I couldn't get .com - another Teresa Morgan must have that! Though that's a lot more expensive, and for a unpublished, poor writer like me, it might have been a bit excessive.

So now I'm wondering whether to start on a website. Is it premature to set up a website?  And if not, how do I go about it?

I've noticed where I got the domain name from do packages, so might go with one of those.  At the moment, I don't think my RSI could withstand me fiddling around with a website.  And I have no idea what sort of style I want.  I'm always fiddling with my blog because I'm still not happy with it.

So, what do you think?  Should I try and put a website together, or wait until I'm published... hopefully. 

I haven't the foggiest what I'd put on there yet - I've been struggling trying to put a bio together - though Writing Magazine had some useful hints (hence it was them who suggested buying a domain name in their March issue).

Oh, and if you know of a better package, then let me know.  I need something really easy to use as, well, I'm not great on HTML and all that stuff. 

Hey, it'll be Sods Law if I do get published, and they recommend I use a pseudonym! Ah, well, it's only cost me £7 ...


  1. I did the same thing Teresa. Bought the domain name, set up the website, then didn't know what to put on it. So I just did one page about who I am and where I live and with a link to my blog.
    Instead of 123 Reg (which is very good - my partner uses them) for which you have to pay, you could try Free Web Hosting. There's a link to them on my blog. You pay a very small one-off setup fee then it is free for ever after. So far they have proved reliable and I'm very happy with them.

  2. I use to run several websites. Very nice hosting application. Ann

  3. You won't need a pen name, I've said before you've got a good writery name. :D And I checked Amazon and the only other Teresa Morgans were an acaedmic and an obscure Americal inspirational romance writer with I think one book out. I reckon you're safe!

  4. Yes, Gail, I'm thinking the same, a front page linking to my blog for the time being - but there is no rush really. Thanks for the advice, too.

    Ah, Becky, you're so kind. But maybe I should buy "frewing" too just in case. (Gosh, kicking myself I didn't check that availability. More than likely though).


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