
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

It Didn't Move The Romancer In Me

Haven't blogged in a while, so thought I'd better pull my finger out and get typing! Especially as I've been awarded the Liebster Award by Rebecca Bradley (which will be another blog post when I get the time to sit down and think about it).

Last night I went to the cinema with a friend to watch Breaking Dawn Part 1. To be honest, I wasn't that fussed about going, but it was a good excuse to get out of the house and socialise with a good friend. (We went to the pub afterwards!) Socialising is research for a writer after all.

I wasn't overly enamoured by the Twilight books if truth be told, and Breaking Dawn was the last straw for me. I really didn't enjoy it. The end redeemed it somewhat, as there is a good fight scene (how Stephanie Meyer seems to end all her books) and I think I gave it two stars on Goodreads. But there were times when I wanted to just chuck the book at the wall. I had to remind myself, 'It's written for teenagers,Teresa'. Maybe teenagers 'got' Bella better than I did, I just wanted to give her a slap.

I have found the films to be better than the books - which is odd as it's always the other way around with a book and a film. I was more moved by the trailer for War Horse than I was watching this film - and I'm a romance writer! I'm a sucker for romance and happy endings, even if it means getting a box of tissues out and having a good blub!

This first part is about the marriage of Edward and Bella - I wanted a bucket! It never put a lump in my throat, or a tear to my eye. I think because I don't like Bella.

Jake is rather cute...

But I think I prefer Alcide... (not that I've seen Season 2 of True Blood yet, but it's on my Christmas wish list - and you can see why!)

Maybe because I'm that bit older now... I like a man, or werewolf... whatever, enjoy ladies. (You didn't think I'd blog without putting top tottie in it, did you?)

In other news, my letter was published in Writing Magazine - January 2012 edition. I wrote to them about Jean Saunders and her family donating our writing group some of her books. I'm so thrilled to finally see my name in Writing Magazine - that made my evening last night, discovering this little nugget of information. (I'd not even unwrapped the magazine when it arrived yesterday, as I'm still reading December!)


  1. The whole Twilight thing has passed me by - when so many people are raving about something, I assume it can't possibly live up to the hype (especially when lots of teenagers are raving about something - they exaggerate!) I might come back to it in a few years.

  2. You hit the nail on the head. The boy is pretty, but I don't feel guilty about thinking about the guy in quite a naughty way :-)

  3. Annalisa, I read the books, only because I got the first three for £10 with The Book People and my friends were hyping it up I thought it must be good. But Bella does get on my nerves, and Breaking Dawn ended up annoying me lol! So you're not missing anything.

    Probably a bit like me with Titanic. I still haven't seen that film!

    Sarah... yes, he's cute, getting better with each movie... but I still prefer Alcide ;-)

  4. Hi again. Yes, Titanic... you're not missing much at all!

    BTW I've left an award for you on my blog.

  5. Thank you, Annalisa. Gosh another one I'll have to try and do.


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