
Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Advent Calendar: Day 20

With these last few shopping days left running up until Christmas, have you got everything done?

I think all my shopping is finished. Yesterday I was making chestnut chocolate pots (from Nigella Christmas), which have been frozen, ready for next week. I still need to ice Christmas cake, ice a Yule log for the boys, plus make copious amounts of mince pies by the sounds of things.

Googling pictures for my next hero behind door number 20 I was reminded why I like him so much. He really does look a little like Rob Lowe actually, but it's not. It's the lovely Brad Pitt!

There were soooo many to choose from. 

20th December

Joe Black for Becky Black! (At least I think that's Joe Black)

Troy! Though he plays Achilles.

Oh, and he has blond hair and blue eyes.


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