
Friday, 23 December 2011

Advent Calendar: Day 23

Gosh, only two more sleeps. I can't believe another year has spun around so quickly, and Christmas day is rapidly approaching.

Yesterday, I baked over forty biscuits, and glittered them in edible glitter. And I made 36 mince pies. The proof is on Tumblr. Yes, I was rather knackered by the end of it, but the boys were really good and didn't bother me. (Naughty Mummy let them play Wii all morning).

So who I am going to put behind this door?

I think another Christmas song, to get us in the spirit. I wanted to post Band Aid Do They Know It's Christmas but however much I love that song, and think it's a very powerful message, I don't want to depress you all. So instead, I'll post something cheery behind door number 23.

23rd December

Sorry, you have to skip the ads! That brings back some memories...

And okay, if that didn't work for you, here's a picture of David Tennant. 


  1. I do like the video - but David Tennant always works for me :-)

  2. That video brings back so many school disco memories!!!! And DT, obviously gorgeous, almost no need to comment on him :-)

  3. I'm in mince pie heaven at this time of year. I love them, I also love David Tennant!

    Have a wonderful Christmas!


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