
Friday, 6 April 2012

Good Friday

Happy Easter!
Friday is always a good feeling, isn't it? The end of the working week, the beginning of the weekend. Well, it is if you don't work the weekend (like I will be).

I thought I'd give you a round up for the week. Not much writing has been achieved during the day, as the kids are off, and I've got to entertain them. Plus, even on occasions when they're playing nicely, I just can't sneak off and start writing as I know if they come to me, I get really stressed, and start getting cross with them - because I want to be writing and don't want interruptions. Which is hardly fair on them. So I've been saving the writing until the evenings, but I have managed to get some reading of The Wedding Favour done and fixed the edits that I see. I'm aiming at four chapters a day, and I've got the last three left now. I suppose then I have to start looking at the synopsis, etc. Argggh!
Lunch on Sandford Station

I did enter The Wedding Favour into the Novelicious competition, so may have to hold off sending it to publishers until the 24th April now. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, having to wait longer, but then, you never know, it might come somewhere in this competition and it would have been worth the wait. We will see. Fingers crossed, please!

As you can see by the word count, I'm 50% through Perfect Isn't An Option - so I've been getting some writing done in the evenings! I'm not sure it will actually make 80,000 words but I need to set up a time line, so that I don't get muddled with what happened when. It's more for Ruby and Steve when they were younger, and his filmography. And also, it takes place over 2-3 months, so I need to keep track of everything in relation to running up to Christmas.

The troublesome trucks at Sandford Station
Over the Easter Holidays, the kids and I have so far had a 14.5 mile cycle ride along the Strawberry Line - Yatton to Winscombe - with Grandad Ron (Monday), watched Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, made rice crispy cakes, (Wednesday) and with the weather changing, even played the odd board game (Yesterday - it was too cold to venture out, plus it means I end up spending money). Today, their dad should be taking them to the cinema to see the new Pirates movie, meaning I'll get my run in and hopefully some writing done.

Last night, I watched Limitless with Bradley Cooper. He starts off looking like a drug addict and a tramp, but soon sharpens up his image. With him on screen 99% of the time, I was in Bradley Cooper heaven. Well worth a watch - just for his blue eyes.

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. You're flying through Perfect Isn't An Option aren't you? WTG! And good luck with the comp - the 24th will fly round with the kids off of school.

    You sound like a busy lady at the moment - keep it up :)

    And I've seen Limitles, didn't much like the film but totally worth it for Bradley Cooper. YUM! ;) lol.

    1. Wow, yes just calculated I've added just over 9,200 words to this story already since returning to writing it 26th March 2012!

      I'm doing better than I thought :D (I've got a little spreadsheet going btw).

      Kids keep you busy - though house to self today. Shame I've gotta go to work at 3pm :-(

  2. 24th of April will soon come around. Have to learn patience in this game. (I'm learning it - slowly!) Your book doesn't have an expiry date on it, so another few weeks makes no difference.

    Mmm, Eater nests! Yum!

    1. I know, I know... just desperate to be published, and make some money... before I have to think about getting another job. lol! I really need to pull this off, and the quicker I do, the less stressed life will be.

      But, yeah, I know... patience. :D

      Oh and their with rice crispies... the best kind :D And I'll be making more later to get rid of the darn Easter eggs!

  3. I know how you feel re children not mixing with writing. I also get annoyed with my kids interrupting while I'm trying to write, which, like you said, isn't fair. So I have to write in the evenings as I have a 3 year old at home with me during the day.

    1. It does get easier, and you should never wish those younger years away. In fact, it did get me into good habits. I kicked the TV habit for a start, as I much preferred being tucked away in my little study writing :D

      My boys are 7 and (just recently turned) 5. So they are both at school, so I do get more time during the day - she says, if she ignores the housework. However, in January I took on a dinner lady job at the school, and that does eat into 'day' time, so I'm still here evenings, writing :D

  4. Good luck with the competition. It really sounds like you're managing to crack on, as well as spending some good time with the boys :-)

  5. I'm doing it evenings mainly. I feel zonked today though, after working the weekend. Not sure how much will get done today.

    Plus I'm craving going down the pub... though I have no one to go drinking with. lol!

  6. Good luck with Novelicious!

    I have watched Limitless and it is a dream watching Bradley all the way through it :)

    1. Thanks, Rebecca.

      Oh, he was made to play that character too. Really suited him. Helped he was on screen 99% of the time. I was even fancying him when he looked his roughest! :D


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