
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Nail Biting Times Ahead

I can officially tell you what it feels like to submit a novel to a publisher - it's scary as hell! God, did I hover over the send button, reading the submission letter one last time, then one last time again. 

This is how grey hairs form! The kids haven't sent me grey - yet - but submitting novels will.

Luckily, I did take Becky Black's advice and sleep on it for the night, because in the morning, I noticed my blurb, which was also drafted on my blog, had Sophie Fletcher not Sophie Trewyn, like my first five pages of my manuscript that followed. How stupid would I have looked?

Ages ago, I decided to change Sophie's name to something more Cornish, as she comes from Cornwell. But obviously, digging through my various documents that I'd started to write summaries, these were still in Fletcher, and so didn't even notice. (I've changed it on my blog post too now ;-))

I also ummed and aarrred about my pen name. I've sent it as Teresa F Morgan. I can discuss this with the publisher if any are interested.

So, it is official. The Wedding Favour is now out there! At the moment, I've sent to three publishers, which I think I will be waiting a long time for. But these are my favourites - and fear rejections will be from all of them, but hey ho! This does mean I can concentrate on writing Perfect Isn't An Option, which might be slightly off target for finishing end of April. It more likely will be the middle of May. It depends on if it reaches 80,000 words. For some reason, this one is actually appearing shorter - and yet I felt there was more plot to this story lol! Am I becoming a better writer?

I think this causes for a mild celebration! Sambuca's all round?

Or shall we have a celebratory Bradley Cooper picture?

Image credit John Baer

 Or just both? Drinking sambucas with Bradley Cooper would be nice...

He doesn't look that bad hung over.


  1. Good luck Teresa!!! :-)

    1. Thanks, Doris. Just sent another off this morning. It's with four publishers now :-O Now I just wait, and I'm not very patient.

  2. Good luck! Submitting is exciting but scary. Mostly scary, actually...

    1. Yes, but scary can be exciting in an odd way. But yeah, it's scary. The idea of rejection... agh!

  3. Good luck matey.


  4. Woohoo!! Good luck, this is exciting! Gimme one of those shot glasses, then, and a quick lick of that Bradley fellow. Mmmm, not bad! xx

    1. I can recommend the Pomegranate Sambuca, served by Bradley Cooper :D

  5. Wow, good catch with the Fletcher/Trewyn thing. That's definitely the kind of thing that slips through if you don't look at something with fresh eyes.

    Good luck!

    1. Absolutely. And I now have another blog topic - make sure your manuscript IS ready, because they may want it instantly! ;-)


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