
Sunday 17 June 2012

Holiday Doldrums - Am I Glad To Be Back?

Coming back from your holidays provides mixed feelings. A part of me is happy to be home, no longer banging elbows and other sticky-outy-body parts on narrow doors etc. The house seemed so BIG when I walked through the front door!

Sometimes you just yearn to get back to reality. 

But the other part of me is missing the beach, the relaxed environment, the carefree what shall we do today attitude, my family all together laughing and joking, the Cornish ice-creams!

However, I must say, I am not missing the seagulls landing on the roof of the caravan at 5am and waking me up! Or Goose knocking on our door at 6am wanting his bread. (Though Goose and the ducks were lovely to see every day).

Though now, looking at the piles of washing that needs doing... Maybe I want to go back?

You wouldn't believe it reading this blog post, I did feel cut off not having access to the internet. I'd ask my sister if she wanted to go to the pub, or the clubhouse to play pool, so we could get the free WiFi.

Wednesday evening I went for a walk along the coastal path, wanting to send a tweet to a friend that I'd drafted in the morning and hoped would be able to send wandering around Crealy all day. I had not got access to 3G (or WiFi) and all the other satellites I should be able to access  - all day!  Admittedly these were a couple of the pictures (above) I took on my phone while going for that walk, so it was a pleasant stroll. (I walked a third of the way around to Daymer Bay... just one more bench, I'd tell myself). Once I had found the 3G, I didn't move from the bench! The views in front of me were calming and inspirational. I was out in the elements, accessing Facebook.

On Tuesday, we had our best day. The sun was out and the wind was actually non-existent, therefore the beach was warm.

My sister, Katie, who was diagnosed with Leukaemia two years ago and therefore has been unable to come on holiday with us, wanted to go surfing. It's on her 'to-do' list.

She hired a wetsuit the day before, where the sun was out, but the wind was cold, and I felt guilty because she had no one to 'play' with out in the ocean. The boys were only prepared to go so far!

So, the next day, I donned a wetsuit probably for the first time in ten years! And was glad to find I still knew how to catch a wave.

That night, we even headed back out to the beach later to catch a sunset. Unfortunately, taking the picture with my phone made it come out a lot darker than it actually was. But even so, it's still pretty, and I've got to post it to prove that in all this awful weather we did actually see the sun set! 
Grandad Ron and Ben
Friday wasn't a particularly great day, but the rain held off for us to welcome in the high tide with the Frewing family tradition of boat building. Grandad Ron is usually the chief builder. He did it for me and my brother when we were kids, and he's building them for his grandchildren.

The boys holidayed for two weeks, I was only there for a week sharing a caravan with my mum and sister. But that was great too, as I don't get to spend quality time with them often now. Our caravan was next door to the boys, and they would come to us for breakfast each morning.

Benjamin got into his own bed Saturday night, and burst into tears, sad to be home. I remember as a child I always had a lump in my throat as my dad drove us home, and I'd say goodbye to my favourite holiday location (Woolacombe, which has its similarities to Polzeath). So I know how he's feeling, and I'm even now, feeling it too.

This place is so beautiful, it's lovely to return year after year. I can visualise it so well that it did become the beach and location in The Wedding Favour.

And whilst on holiday I did hear from a publisher about The Wedding Favour... but that's another blog post!


  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed about your publisher hints!

    My favourite holiday place is Woolacombe too! I wonder if we were ever on the beach at the same time?

    Had my RNA conference pack and did think about you - sad you won't be joining us this year.

    Good luck with the washing! Mx

    1. Well, because we were coming from London, we never quite made it to Cornwall, it was a lot further, so North Devon was where we stopped. I used to help out with the donkeys on the beach. It was like my summer job for two weeks as I got older.

      I'm sort of glad I'm not going to the RNA conference, although I would love to go of course, I have so much to do in 'life' what with the house, separating, and writing. I may have to start working on The Wedding Favour again, so need to concentrate and get Perfect Isn't An Option as best as I can and send that off to the NWS.

  2. Looks lovely there. And you and Katy look cool in your wetsuits. Coming back from hols is such a downer. Oh well, just gotta crack on and look forward to another holiday eventually!

    1. Hey, I always say, if you could guarantee the weather, we wouldn't need to go abroad. I don't think you can beat Britain's beaches... well, at least Cornwall and Devon's. Can't comment for others. The south coast (Brighton/Worthing) are a bit pebbly! lol!


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