
Monday, 25 June 2012

My Little Bit Of Writing News...

I suppose I should spill the beans, shouldn't I? That email from a (US) publisher whilst on holiday... Remember I teased you about it?

Well, it read that they enjoyed the book (The Wedding Favour) but said as it was, it wouldn't sell in the US market - because I am typically British lol! - but if I was prepared to cut it down to their category romance requirements (50-60k) they would consider it.

I look at this as a positive rejection, (the whole email was very positive actually) and something I am considering. I have my work cut out now! I will work on reducing The Wedding Favour to under 60,000 words, which is only 20,000 to lose. Easy... ha! Not. It's making a decision of what to cut in sub plot terms that is difficult.

The good thing about nowadays is you can 'save as' a file. I will still have the original, so if I don't like it cut to 60,000 words, or find I can't make it work, it won't be the end of the world.

Plus, whilst I'm editing it... you never know I might hear from the other three publishers who want the whole thing. The editor who emailed me was very positive about it all and said it would probably sell as it is to a UK publisher.

An editor said that! I got an email from an actual live editor!

So watch this space. I'm going to keep my options open - just want to get Perfect Isn't An Option sent off to the RNA NWS. I wanted more words for it, but I will send it as it is (with a tidy up first), and not struggle to make it up 70,000 words. I'm hoping any feedback I get might help with increasing the word count and fattening up the plot. That's my theory anyway.

All in all, it was a nice email to receive on holiday, and it boosted my confidence. So far my experience of getting my book 'out there' hasn't been too terrible. As I think all writers do - especially aspiring ones - they fear their writing is crap and no one will like their voice/story. So this is reassuring. Can't quite crack open the champagne yet, but hopefully it's getting closer.

Oh and this is my 300th blog post EVER! So celebratory inspiration is required... (Gosh, almost forgot). Thought we'd have some Richard Armitage!


  1. That's fantastic, Teresa. I was so curious to know what the news was :-) 20,000 is quite a lot, but I love using the Track Changes feature in Word - then I can either accept or reject the changes on a different day when I've had chance to think about it properly.

    Good luck with it!

  2. Oh there's an idea. Thanks. I'll keep you posted. It's a big US publisher, so it's promising, and if the other publishers aren't interested then I will definitely go for it. To get something under my belt and added to my writing CV will be a HUGE start.

  3. That certainly is very positive Teresa, well done.

    And THANK YOU for the RA moment - that's a rather delicious picture of himself.


    1. Thanks, Sue. I've geared myself up for rejection, but so far, I seemed to have been doing everything right. Two publishers asking for the full (one of them being this one) and then this email. Fingers crossed, hey?

      Oh, I know I've posted some of this stuff before... but I thought a bit of Richard Armitage would make a nice change.

  4. From reading Angel Jame's editreport yesterday she mentioned "blocking", showing too much of the characters moving around and doing stuff when it's implied. Like instead of having a character walk through the door at the coffee shop, pick up a bag of beans, take to the counter, order a cup of coffee, pay for them, get the coffee, sit down, to wait for Tad, etc, when they could have said "She bought a bag of beans and a latte and waited for Tad." So she says if you have a word count issue take a look at whether blocking is one of the ways you can cut down.

    I'm also working on what I call "mugging". :D All that smiling and frowning and grimacing and nodding characters do while having a conversation. Trimming that ruthlessly.

    1. Hey, I did see the one about blocking and thought eek! That's me!

      And the mugging... gosh, yes, could probably lose some but sometimes I want the smile to make sure the reader knows they're joking/having fun/or are happy! It's so hard this writing malarky!

  5. Replies
    1. Oh, will check it out! Is this to help me procrastinate? lol!

  6. Fantabulous news, Teresa! Keep up the good work! xxx

  7. Well done Teresa - no doubt for some-one who invented 'additing', cutting it down may be difficult for you - but Im sure that you will do an excellent job.

    Fingers crossed for you!

    1. I will have to become a tougher editor, that is for sure. But I am going to give it a go. Nothing to lose, right? I can be working on it while I wait for the other three. And there are others I could try, but they would need to be a UK publisher.

  8. That's very positive news. Good luck with cutting it down (easier said than done) and with the other publishers.

    1. Thank you. We will see. It means I have options :D

  9. Do you know, I think you can actually crack open the champagne with a positive email like that. It's great! The US market likes your book, get it open!

    1. I am dying to crack open that champagne bottle... but I will hold off a bit longer. I don't want to jinx things lol! When I sign a contract! Then it's opening!


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