
Wednesday 6 June 2012

Some Fun...

Rachel Lyndhurst tagged me for a bit of blog post fun! Well, she did say she'd get me back. I needed to do a blog post, and this is perfect as I really wasn't sure I had much to say right now. These are a list of things you may or may not know about me. Well, if you didn't know them, you do now:

Four places I have worked:

  • A theme park
  • A multinational manufacturing giant of household and cosmetic products.
  • A company that sold O rings. Sounds much more interesting when I say I worked in rubber! lol!
  • A aircraft manufacturing company.

Four movies I could watch again and again:

  • Love Actually
  • The A-Team 
  • Stardust
  • Footloose (edited... I can't believe I forgot this movie. There are lots of movies I'd watch over and over actually).

Four TV shows I watch:

  • Desperate Housewives
  • Doctor Who
  • Torchwood
  • Sherlock

Four places I have travelled:

  • Turkey
  • St Lucia
  • Barbados
  • New Zealand

Four authors I enjoy:

  • Sue Moorcroft
  • Liz Fielding
  • Anne Rice
  • Charlaine Harris

Four websites I visit daily:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Goodreads
  • Livejournal

Four favourite foods:

  • Crispy chilli beef (Chinese).
  • Chicken Tikka Masala with peshwari naan
  • Smothered chicken (bacon, cheese and bbq sauce).
  • Pasta - a good carbonara or something. 

Four places I'd rather be:

  • Sunning myself somewhere hot beside a pool, cocktail in hand, reading a good book.
  • Sitting in (or outside if sunny) a cafĂ© (ideally in a European city), sipping lattes and watching the day go by.
  • Drinking an ice cold lager on the seafront. 
  • Walking anywhere in New Zealand, ideally holding the hand of the man of my dreams.  

Four people I want to tag:

This is only a bit of fun, but if you want to play, then make your own list and tag me back! (Because obviously I want to read).


  1. What fun, I enjoyed that. Thanks.

    1. Cheers. Gave me something to think about, though I should be writing! Just other things in real life keep getting in my way at the moment, making the writing harder.

  2. Thanks for tagging me, Teresa. I did this a while back. My four are here :-)

    1. Opps your comments went into Spam. Fixed that now lol! will check out your post later. Sorry I missed it :-O

  3. I love Sherlock and Dr Who - and I can't wait for them both to come back!

    1. Yep, me too. I don't watch much TV, but these are things I will definitely try to watch.

  4. 'O rings' ... dare I ask?! Perhaps I'd better not - showing meself up already, hehehe. Still curious though. :0)xx

    1. It was really boring, Rache. Just sounded good working in rubber. But it's something that we supplied to manufacturers lol! The theme park was much more exciting! And fun. Sooooo much fun.


I love reading your comments and I will try to reply when I can. Thank you for reading my blog and taking the time to comment.