
Friday, 14 September 2012

Single Lined Spacing...

And The Wedding Favour was still 182 pages!

Yes, I've printed it off, and I'm about to attack with the red pen to see where I can lose 20,000 words. Eeek!

All four publishers in the end rejected me, but one has giving me a revise and resubmit, hence the cutting of words. And I'll do that, plus send out to some other publishers. I'm torn between trying to get it published with a big ebook publisher in the US, but it will never go into 'print' as a category romance - that's if the resubmit is accepted admittedly! Or still sticking it out for someone who will print and ebook it in its original form.

Although I do think, I would get the rights back eventually, and I could consider getting it published (even if I self-published it) in it's original form. I will always have the 'whole' book.

Therefore, I did send it out to another publisher recommended by a writery friend, just the synopsis initially, and they came back a couple of days later and requested the first three chapters. So I must be doing something right. I don't get the 'no thanks' immediately. At least presentation must be good lol!

But to keep options open, I'll do both. Then I can start on a new book. Or editing Perfect Isn't An Option. I'll get my feedback from the RNA NWS eventually. Eek!

Have a wonderful weekend all. I can't believe September is upon us and the Quality Street tins have been in the shop weeks already. Double eek!


  1. Hi Teresa
    Have you looked at Feed A Read yet? Sponsored by the Arts Council, they are very good.

    1. No I haven't, but will check it out. Thanks, Deb.

  2. My publisher bought the electronic rights to Cat and The Dreamer, but the contract states I'm free to find a print publisher for it, if I can/want to. Your US publisher might have the same clause - it might be worth checking it out if they offer you a contract.

  3. Good luck with it all, you're doing really well.

    I just nominated you for Seven Things About Me. :-)

    1. ah, thanks, Diane. I will check it out. Could do with something for my blog. :D


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