
Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Happy 8th birthday, Ben

On Saturday 4th December 2004, at 6.36am, after the 30 odd hours of the labour from hell, my gorgeous boy, Benjamin James Morgan was born.

There was a point in my life I feared I might not have children and so he was instantly precious to me.

He weighed a whopping 9lb 4oz and was so contented. I remember leaving him in the 'nursery' on the maternity ward, so I could have a bath and came back to find his cot empty. Fear waved over me briefly - someone had stolen MY baby - then I saw a midwife holding up a baby to another midwife saying, "look how handsome this baby is." First proud mummy moment ever when I realised it was my baby. And I thought I was just biased. (We all think our babies are handsome, lets face it).

But eight years on, where did my baby go?

Happy birthday, Ben. My sensible boy. You'll never be too big to cuddle... it's just if you'll let me.

(I've scheduled this blog post deliberately for 6.30am!)


  1. Aw, gorgeous baby and a handsome boy now! He's going to be a real hunk!

    1. It will be interesting how he turns out. He takes after his mum lol!

  2. 30 hours... oh my!! As the mother of 9lb and 9lb 13 babies I really feel for you. And yes, he was a gorgeous baby, and still is!

    1. Yeah, it doesn't say that on the maternity notes, but literally, from first contraction to him being delivered it was over 30 hours :-(

      He was a gorgeous baby. And contented. He's pretty good now too.

  3. Ah, happy birthday to Ben! My daughter is 19 on the 9th - makes me feel old!

    1. Oh, gosh, yes. Happy birthday to your daughter on the 9th! I don't know about you, but I feel I can't concentrate on Christmas until the birthday is out of the way. lol!


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