
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Still Haven't Found The Wellies...

However, I did manage to go for a run this morning. Which means I am slowly getting back into some sort of routine. As I do not have a 'running watch' anymore I can't give you an accurate distance. I know that the route I do is around 4 miles, but because I had to run to a different home, I added to that distance. MapMyRun says I did around 4.33 miles but I'm sure it's further.

In other news, the cat is going stir crazy. She really wants to go outside. But I'll keep her in for a bit longer. And Dad put my bird table in the garden. I have Blackbirds, so I am happy. Let's see what other birds venture into my garden.

This morning Kieran said he saw a squirrel. If Ben had said this, I'd have believed him. Unfortunately with Kieran, I never know if it's just his imagination running wild. But I do have a big tree in my little garden, so maybe there was a squirrel.

All this doesn't help with the wellies situation. And I really need them with all this rain, and a further distance to walk to school. I have no idea where the wellies are. They must be in a box obviously. But where in the garage, I am not sure. So I best go look. This is only a short update, just taking a break from opening in boxes and wondering where the hell I'm going to put the contents. Everyday I'm dreaming up storage ideas...

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Surrounded By Boxes And Bubble Wrap

Day two: I have set up the broadband. I'm surrounded by unpacked boxes, bubble wrap and misplaced furniture too big for this little house. But I'm in. And I have the internet. What more does a girl need? (Yes, I know wine and chocolate... actually the list is endless.)

I have to pinch myself that I've actually moved, and I actually got this house.

I'm not sure when I'll get to see my poor old PC again but hopefully soon. At least I do have my trusty laptop - even if the keyboard takes a while to get used to.

The TV is set up too... but I can't find the remote control. I can't remember which box I threw it into as we gathered the last of our possessions. I just need to work out how to set up the PlayStation3 before the boys return Monday after school.

My new house is cosy. Not small. However I am worried about the amount of boxes that still read "Kitchen" in the garage, and all my cupboards are full. One good sort out required. I will have to be ruthless.

Last night - the first night in my new home - was bliss. No creaky floorboards. No rattling, bubbling, noisy hot water pipes. There was silence. This house is warm and cosy, and even the cat seems settled. She did sit on the windowsill today, looking at the outside world. But she will need to stay in for a while yet.

I'm taking a night off of unpacking tonight. I'm here at my PC eating pralines and cream Haagen-Dazs ice-cream. It's fatal when I see it on special. And don't panic, I also have a glass of wine poured. It's had to be red because the white I thought I put in the fridge turned out to be non-alcoholic. And therefore not actually wine. I should have realised as it was my dad who passed it on to me.

Right, off to chill before I start unpacking more boxes tomorrow... 

(And as she goes to add a picture to brighten up her blog, she realises she's not on her PC and doesn't have her 'pictures')

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

I've Been Neglecting You - Again!

I am moving! Well, again, like I said before, I'll believe it when it happens. But we've exchanged, so it's happening - FRIDAY!

Therefore, I will apologise for the lack of interest and updating I've been doing on the internet. This blog has suffered. Facebook has suffered, though I think some of my friends are relieved because I fill their wall, and so has Twitter.

I joined Pinterest, but haven't done much with it... but it's here anyway, if you want to follow me. I might update it soon.

So, this is me, signing in, just confirming I haven't been hit by a bus or anything. I'm just packing boxes. Lots of bloody boxes. I've tried to keep all my writing stuff clearly labelled. It killed me to actually put my two novels (which I've printed off) into a box. I have labelled that one - 'my two novels' lol! On the plus side, my desk looks sooooo clear. The bad news is my new house isn't big enough for this desk :-(

But while I may worry that my PC may not get switched on for a bit, I do have my laptop. So hopefully I won't be silent for long.

Signing out... excited but scared! Teresa x

Monday, 14 January 2013

Book Review: The Last Woman He'd Ever Date by Liz Fielding

The Last Woman He'd Ever DateThe Last Woman He'd Ever Date by Liz Fielding
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Real life really has got in the way with my reading, and hence I took much longer to read this than I should have.

It was a little slower at the beginning (or that could have been me), and I wouldn't say it's 'beaten' my favourite of Liz Fielding's novels, however, still a good read. Liz does have a way of making the characters sizzle together, which I always enjoy.

View all my reviews

Sorry - short (but sweet I hope!) book review.

Friday, 11 January 2013

I Wouldn't Say I'm Superstitious

I don't believe putting an umbrella up inside your house will give you bad luck. Might poke someone's eye out, yes, but not technically give you bad luck. Well, unless you're the one who get's the poke in the eye, I suppose.

I don't believe opening a bag of crisps upside down is bad luck either (apparently someone said this to me once - I think I was a teenager at the time). These sort of 'modern' superstitions I definitely don't believe in. I mean, superstition goes back to the years of when witches were burnt at the stake, right? Was Walkers Crisps around then?

For obvious reasons you shouldn't walk under a ladder. I mean, something might fall on your head. You're just making your own bad luck there.

Therefore, I would say I am not superstitious. However, I do believe in jinxing things. Like, I won't tell everyone my new address until I am firmly in the house and under the roof and have got the keys. Like, I wasn't going to start packing up this house until I got a move date. I'm still nervous that I am now packing boxes, and although I have a move date, we haven't actually exchanged yet.

I don't like wanting things to happen, i.e. looking forward to events too much. I don't believe it till it's happening, if that makes sense.

Therefore, I am packing boxes praying, hoping, pleading it won't jinx me moving house.

What about you? Are you superstitious? Do you have to salute a magpie?

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Is That Light At The End Of The Tunnel?

I could be moving by the end of January at the latest. Yay!

In fact, I don't really wish to move before then, because I will be stressing about the amount of packing I have to do. I should actually be doing some now, and not blogging!

Estate agent was hinting at the 11th January. I told him to jog on! Four bed house to pack up... in a week - just after Christmas. Yeah, right.

I'm mildly excited but also scared stiff at the same time. Will I starve to death or will I be able to make all my bills?

Then I stress about getting back to my writing - which I have sorely missed last year. Finally, my life on the right path, de-stressed, will I find the time when I have to make a new home for me and my children? It'll probably take months just to unpack all the boxes! Then there's the decorating.

Big deep breaths, Teresa. Try to tackle it one box at a time, I suppose. Anyone up for a painting party?

I have re-joined the RNA NWS so I will need to get something sent to them for the end of August. And I want to get back to The Wedding Favour, endeavouring to get it published. But for now, until moving date, my aim is to pack a box a day. Things likes books, CDs and DVDs that are not essential, I thought I could start putting away.

So here goes... packing tape and cardboard boxes at the ready... wish me luck.