
Friday, 11 January 2013

I Wouldn't Say I'm Superstitious

I don't believe putting an umbrella up inside your house will give you bad luck. Might poke someone's eye out, yes, but not technically give you bad luck. Well, unless you're the one who get's the poke in the eye, I suppose.

I don't believe opening a bag of crisps upside down is bad luck either (apparently someone said this to me once - I think I was a teenager at the time). These sort of 'modern' superstitions I definitely don't believe in. I mean, superstition goes back to the years of when witches were burnt at the stake, right? Was Walkers Crisps around then?

For obvious reasons you shouldn't walk under a ladder. I mean, something might fall on your head. You're just making your own bad luck there.

Therefore, I would say I am not superstitious. However, I do believe in jinxing things. Like, I won't tell everyone my new address until I am firmly in the house and under the roof and have got the keys. Like, I wasn't going to start packing up this house until I got a move date. I'm still nervous that I am now packing boxes, and although I have a move date, we haven't actually exchanged yet.

I don't like wanting things to happen, i.e. looking forward to events too much. I don't believe it till it's happening, if that makes sense.

Therefore, I am packing boxes praying, hoping, pleading it won't jinx me moving house.

What about you? Are you superstitious? Do you have to salute a magpie?


  1. I don't kiss across a threshold and I don't use a hairbrush if I drop it on the floor - to the extent where when I had long hair I'd prefer to go out unbrushed than use it! Blame my grandmother! I was also scared out of telling my parents I never wanted to see them again, when I was having childhood tantrums - it's hard to be mindful during a tantrum, but I managed it - my grandmother again!

    Good luck with the move. Packing is important. It would be more unlucky to wake up on the day of the move and have nothing packed!

    1. I do have a funny thing about not putting new shoes on a bed... because I think that's from my mum. lol!

      I am packing and panicking. Will I get it all done in time? Argh!

  2. Definitely not superstitious. The one about opening a bag of crisps from the bottom made me chuckle. I would never do that, and yet don't know why! I'm sure the bottom and the top are sealed the same way, there's no reason not to. Yet if I picked one up and it was upside down I'd turn it the right way and open it. Just like to have the words and pictures on the packet the right way around, I suppose.

    1. I assume you do the packet of crisps thing maybe as a habit rather than believing it to be bad luck. I do usually turn them up the right way too, but I have been known to open them upside down.

  3. I'm joining Becky in the not superstitious corner. My Mum once went nuts at me for bringing lilac in the house. I mean -why? Just why does that make sense? :D I think if you think them through, the vast majority of superstitions are either completely illogical or else plain ol' fashioned sense (the not walking under the ladder one being a prime example). Somewhere or other I have a fascinating kids' book about superstitions that I've had since I was about 10! Perhaps I'll go find it :D

    1. Oh, if you find that book, please do share. Is Lilac unlucky? Never heard of that. And it's my favourite colour - well any shade of purple is really.


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