
Thursday, 7 February 2013

I Found The Wellies!

My lounge, which looks slightly better than this now.
And the boys colouring books... and my two novels... oh, and many other things.

I do still have boxes. And until I get the storage/furniture ideas in place, I reckon some of it will have to remain in boxes. But a trip to Ikea soon might fix the lounge situation. I think I've seen something that will nicely incorporate plenty of shelving and a desk, so my PC can come out of its box.

Plus I was talking sheds with Dad today, and have an idea on the one I want to buy. The garage is a little tidier and organised, although there is still a lot of boxes. Empty and full ones. Maybe this post should read I am still 'surrounded by cardboard'.

My kitchen, taken from my webcam :D
I have learnt with living in a smaller home to optimise storage. My understairs cupboard is now my study. It contains my little filing cabinet and my drawers that were in my study. This helps with containing all the important stuff, like bills etc. and stationery. Plus, it's created shelving in which my 'writing' stuff is being stored. It has allowed me to get my files out. I will get another shelf in there too, and it will be perfect. I've put my pen pots in there too. Heaven.

You see I like to be tidy on the outside, and in this smaller, cosier house, I need to hide my shit. My study in my old house was where the crap got hidden.

My kitchen is the most organised 'room' in the house, though the 'dining' end still has a box I don't know what to do with. I have a large cupboard this end too, and it is rammed. This is what happens when you go from a big kitchen to a small one, I suppose.

Anyway, I thought I would report in. Slowly getting there, and one day I might actually start writing again. (At least I'm blogging - it's making me feel like I still have my toe dipped in the water). Do I start with trying to write a short story, or get back to the editing? I need to start making time for writing again. And at the moment it worries me that it feels like an impossible feat.

In other news: I'm in Writer's Forum issue #136 if you haven't seen.


  1. I like the thought of your little under the stairs writing nook. :)

    Keep at it with those boxes and they'll soon be a thing of the past!

    1. Yes, and I've seen some nice Ikea furniture which incorporate my desk into my lounge more subtly I think :D But all the paperwork can be stored under the stairs :D

  2. Good to see the writing stuff is getting organised first - priorities are in tact! After the kids of course - I was told the kids HAVE to come first :-)

    1. I'm trying to get organised, and then as I find my routine, getting used to the boys being away weekends etc. I can get back into the writing. I just don't know whether to crack on with the editing... I suppose that is what I should do. Argh!


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