
Monday, 3 June 2013

Book Review: Dream A Little Dream by Sue Moorcroft

Dream a Little DreamDream a Little Dream by Sue Moorcroft
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

On the front cover, Katie Fforde says, "I love all of Sue Moorcroft's books." Can I ditto that?

I've read all of Sue's Choc Lit novels and although this may not be quite my favourite - still in love with Ratty in Starting Over - this book doesn't disappoint.

Dominic Christy is a very strong, sexy male, and determined to get what he wants, including Liza Reece.

Liza has a warm heart, but Dominic needs to break through the tough shield she's put around her, a fear that she's not good in relationships.

Don't like to say too much as I don't want to give away spoilers. But if you're looking for a fresh voice, and a bit of romance, I recommend this book. Sue has a great way of making her characters feel very real, giving them plenty of ups and downs to tackle.

View all my reviews


  1. Thanks for such a positive review, Teresa! :-) x

    1. Not a problem. I always enjoy your books :D I love your 'voice' too. Feels very real.

  2. Followed your blog from a FB link by Sue. I love her books too, the first one I read was All That Mullarkey. I just wanted to say, I like your blog but admit to being envious! Mine's mediocre by comparison! BTW, I'm a member of the NWS too. Best of luck to both of us!

    1. Ah, thanks for popping by and leaving a comment. Starting Over was the first book I read of Sue's, and I've been hooked on Ratty ever since. However, Martyn Mayfair in Love and Freedom comes a close second. :D

      I've been in the NWS two years now (this is my second year) - I think I need to update my profile! I've just slowly worked at my blog, and I had a friend help put together my header for me. I'm not that technical lol! Yes, good luck in the NWS. Maybe we'll meet some day. I'm not going to the conference this year, but might try next year.


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