
Friday 7 June 2013

Summer Holiday Antics Day 3

Day 3: Monday 27 May 2013: Rain Rain Go Away

Monday was the worst day for weather. Of course it was, it was a Bank Holiday Monday.

I don't really have many photos. Who takes photo in the rain?

Dad and I took the boys for a walk (well, they cycled, we walked) around to Daymer Bay as we thought we'd beat the rain. Apparently not. We got soaked!

After some dry clothes and lunch in the caravan, and some board games played, I took the boys over to the club house. They played pool, air hockey, football and a few other arcade games, while I drank Bud. Well, I was on holiday.

I also abused the WiFi while I was there and updated Facebook etc.

In the evening we all settled down to watch Spring Watch. Luckily, that was the last we saw of the rain. We heard it in the night a couple of times... but didn't see any again.

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