
Tuesday, 16 July 2013

I'm Walking On Sunshine

I need Katrina and the Waves blasting through my house. Such a happy song for my ecstatic mood!

Contract signed... this is really really happening. But I'm not allowed to announce the publisher. (So to all my friends and family who do know, keep it under your hat and off the internet please!)

They like to do that by announcing newly assigned writers. So it makes it even more exciting. I'm not sure I can get any more excited! But Oh My God, The Wedding Favour will be coming to an eReader near you very soon. I'm going to be plastered all over the internet! I'm going to be on Amazon!

I can't wait!

Right, off to do some editing. Let the hard work begin. I don't care if I'm chained to my PC for the next 8 weeks. It will all be worth it. To all my friends and family... do not panic, I am alive and I love you all. I'm just going to be very busy.

I need to go change a load of bio's too... delete that bit about not being published. Whoop!

I don't actually think I will really believe this is happening to me until I see it. It's my book cover I'm excited about. What will it look like? Deep down I'd like wedding favours on it... sugared almonds.

(Gosh, when I saw this free picture from Shutterstock I knew it would be perfect to use for The Wedding Favour. Heart shaped umbrellas, whatever next.)


  1. Congrats again, Teresa! Looking forward to having you on my Kindle! :-D

    1. Thanks, Doris. It's all rather exciting! I'll have a book published before I'm 40!

  2. Dying to have you back on my blog as a newly published writer!

    1. I'm dying to come back :D Thanks for all your help and encouragement.

  3. Replies
    1. I know! Floating on cloud nine right now :D

  4. Exciting times, Teresa, congratulations!

    1. Thanks you! Would you like to do a blog tour swap? Once my book is launched... though you can come to mine any time.

    2. I'd love to have you on my blog. You're one of the first bloggers I got to know - it's awesome your book is almost real :-)

  5. Woohoo!! Well done, Teresa! So pleased for you!


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