
Monday, 14 July 2014

The RNA Conference Buzz

Me, Rachel Brimble and Jane Lark selfie.
I am probably, like every other writer who attended the RNA Conference at the weekend, now blogging about it.

And why not!? It makes good blogging fodder!

Everyone who attended will agree with me here. The conference gives you such a buzz, and you meet so many lovely authors, and aspiring writers, you just can't help get a high from it all.

My good friend Mary Cross with Lizzie Lane
In fact, I'm feeling rather deflated today... missing the lovely people, the delicious food and the scrumptious wine... I ate so much good food! (And drank too much wine.)

This year felt particularly good for me actually.

1) I met up with lots of authors I hadn't seen in three years, since the last (and my very first conference) I attended.

2) I was no longer a conference virgin. I knew what I was doing :-)

Me, Sue Fortin and Mandy Baggot

And 3) I had fellow writers to hang around with. It was really fab, because a good majority of my RNA chapter group made it to the conference, and so we all hung out together :) It was like an extended RNA chapter meeting.

The Romaniacs :-) 
It's a good reflection for me also. In 2011, I attended the RNA conference as an aspiring romance writer, not even a member of the RNA. But that conference encouraged me to join the RNA New Writers' Scheme, and here I am returning, three years later, now a full member of the RNA with a novel published.
Nikki Moore, Linn B Halton, Mandy B and
Jane Lark
Harper Impulse authors :)

It also enabled me to meet up with my fellow Harper Impulse authors too!

Anyway, with this blog post I'm going to share some of my favourite photos - however I have plastered the lot over on my website :)
Nikki Moore and Sue Moorcroft
(Not sure who the lady in pink is)

Morton Gray :-) Who I Love!

As you can see, I've managed to get some great photos of great authors :-) And you can see how smiley we are... or is that the free wine?

Our RNA Bath and Wiltshire Chapter group.

Gosh, there were so many more photos I wanted to add on this blog post...

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