
Sunday, 10 May 2015

Moving On Into May...

Oh My God! There are only two weeks until half term - which means it's only two weeks until I go on holiday!

And I've done nothing to work towards this!

And the weather has turned pants!

With the past couple of weeks being busy with the #HIFortnight I thought I would give a quick update. Soon I will be able to announce the winner from IHeartChickLit  #HIFortnight blog post. A signed copy of One Fine Day will be winging it's way to one lucky reader!

I continue to write book three - when real life chooses not to get in the way. I've had to edit the first few chapters, and re-jig the timeline a bit because after talking to a fireman, I realised the police would need to get involved. He gave me great advice on how to create a fire in a kitchen - for my book obviously! I needed it to be arson. Luckily, a mum I know works for CSI and investigates house fires, so this has all been very useful too. But it meant changing a few things within the timeline. I hope they don't mind, because as I write, if I come across something I'm not sure of, I'm firing over an email with my obscure question to either one of them.

Last week, I also met a fellow romantic novelist who lives locally. She's not published yet, but is submitting her first novel out to agents and publishers. It was lovely to sit in Costa and talk about our books, and characters - the voices inside our heads - and it all be accepted as normal. We have agreed to meet up regularly.

I am coping with my singleton status. Each day does get easier. But when real life goes quiet for me I find myself still missing him, bizarrely enough... I have moments where I'll pause, and wonder what he's doing, feeling, thinking... It still feels odd that he's no longer a part of my life.

However, after feeling so miserable for weeks, I think I've found a ray of sunshine. I'm a tiny bit worried it's all a bit too good to be true at the moment - actually that's an under statement - I'm worried A LOT! I'm not sure how long it will last, but it has kept my focus on me, and having fun. A lot of fun. My anxiety lies in that this ray of sunshine may have come too soon, so I'm trying not to over think things (which is incredibly difficult for me) and take each day as it comes. I am trying to just let fate take it's course, while keeping my heart protected so I'm better prepared next time for the fall. What will be, will be...

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