
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

It's Been An Odd Day

I have a poorly PC, so I'm tapping away at the keyboard of my laptop. But I'm getting frustrated because the keyboard is so much smaller than my ergonomic one, and even though I like the sound of my nails tapping at the keys, it takes me longer to type. I tend to have to go back and correct lots of words.

This week has been feeling a bit strange. My eldest son is away with the school for a week. He's been beyond excited about it. However, today, throwing all plans out of the window - almost - I've had a poorly boy at home, too - my youngest. That has scuppered me a little, I couldn't do my pilates or go for a run. I did keep my appointment and give blood, Kieran coming with me as he hadn't been sick or anything, in fact by this point he really wasn't 'ill'. He liked the chocolate biscuits! Oh and so that I don't feel guilty about the lack of exercise I've done today, the nurse did say I should skip the exercise - so I will. :)

Kieran woke up with a temperature this morning and did seem under the weather, but brightened later. (That's not what we could say about the weather). However, as I was cooking tea, he fell asleep on the sofa. He awoke grumpy, with no appetite, and ended up going to bed at 5.50pm.

I hope he sleeps well and wakes up better tomorrow as I really need him to go to school. I have way too much to do - like pick up a Christmas present for the boys (a second-hand pool table).

It doesn't matter how organised you are and how you plan your diary, it all goes to the wall when you have a poorly child. Grrr! It's bloomin' hard being a work-at-home mum. (Although I do feel that being a writer doesn't get taken seriously enough as being self-employed - but that's another blog post!) And even working part time, I am stressing that if my son is off Friday, I can't go into work, and I can't get paid!

In my writing news, I have started to edit the first three chapters of my third book. It may need some additing too. I've got a couple of new beta readers too, as my usual beta is busy doing Nano amongst other things. One of my betas lives locally, so it means we'll be able to make an excuse of it, and meet for coffee :) Currently working on the first three chapters, but haven't looked at those since last week. :(

I did manage to do something constructive today (while Kieran watched lots of TV). I sent off another blog questionnaire as I'm guesting on a couple of blogs over the Christmas period. So not completely unproductive. I have another to do, but this blog post has taken longer than intended and I'm dying to put my feet up and read my book - A Game of Thrones.

p.s. Not only do I remember the soldiers fallen today, but I remember my nan. It's three years since her passing. Rest in peace x x x

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