
Thursday, 6 October 2016

And Relax.... Sort Of.

Tuesday evening, I slogged away and managed to send my third manuscript/novel off to my agent - whoo hooo! (Although it's the first book I've sent to my agent). So the past couple of days, I've not been writing as I've taken a break. I am hoping to have a few days, maybe a week or two respite. So, what have I done the past couple of days?

I have caught up with housework. I have cleaned.

Not shopping, or catching up with friends for coffee, lunch... no, I've cleaned. (I did have a massage and my hair cut but they were already in the diary - after Tuesday evening being hunched over my keyboard, the massage was needed).

Today, I gave my lounge a good dust down, and then I cleaned the tops of my kitchen cupboards.... and washed everything that sits on there. I haven't done that in four years (January) I've lived in this house. :-O Today I've tackled some of the bigger jobs I've had to put off because I needed to write.

I wanted to get the book off my desk (so to speak) before next week as I knew I wouldn't get to work on it.


Next week is my birthday week, so I doubt very much I'll be doing anything, including housework. I have my mum visiting, too.

Maybe, next week, I should start every day with a glass of champagne...

Now there's a thought...

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