
Monday, 5 December 2016

Now Proud Owner of a Pre-nager

Everything went a bit bonkers before the weekend, and I never managed to post my obligatory happy birthday post to my son - not that he sees it.

Anyway, my eldest turned 12 yesterday. TWELVE! Where the bloody hell did that go?

If you're reading this and nursing a baby, hug and cuddle that baby. Kiss him/her regularly. They grow up so fast. I savoured every cuddle with my two boys, especially when I was breastfeeding them and they would fall asleep in my arms. I only wish I'd got even more times like that.

Now I find myself frustrated and nagging more than I like to my not-so-little pre-nager...

I love him so much. And the reason I shout and scream at him is because I want him to turn into a decent human being, and a gentleman. I am bringing up a future husband after all. Generally, he's pretty good. He just seems so laid back with his head in the clouds at times, which is not me at all. Well, the writer in me does have my head in the clouds I suppose... But the dithering I can't cope with.

The picture of above shows how much he looks like me - poor sod!

Love you so much, Ben x x

2015 - before he cut his hair but one of my favourites of us!

Thursday, 1 December 2016

December Is Here

It's pretty cold outside today, confirming Winter is here too. There's a frost on the ground which the kids all want to be snow.

My boys love December. It means they get to have chocolate at breakfast. (I have to reiterate after they've eaten their breakfast!)

Even though Ben is going to be 12 in a few days time, he still likes our advent calendar that has now become a part of our Christmas tradition. I love finding small chocolates that will fit into the pouches. On the 4th and 24th there has to be extra in there.

And Ben loves having a December birthday, because it means he gets to eat chocolate in the morning...

I still won't put the decorations up until about a week later, although I may have to get the lights on outside the house (as my neighbour has put his up and I wouldn't want him to feel the odd one out).

This year I got treated to an advent calendar from Marks and Spencer, so this morning I enjoyed the excitement by opening up the first box. You're never too old to have an advent calendar!

I've deliberately not looked at the list on the back, so I'll get a surprise every day! I love presents!

Usually I run a kind of advent calendar on my blog, but I think I'm going to be too busy with edits for my third book, due out in April, and with wrapping presents etc. But hopefully, I'll get to sneak a few blog posts in before the festivities truly begin.

What advent calendar do you have? I've seen some pretty unique ones on Facebook...

Wouldn't this be a wonderful Advent Calendar to have.... don't think we'd get much done running up to Christmas though...

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Pokemon can just Go now

I don't actually own this dragonite!
Anyone else been playing this game? (That's probably a silly question). I stupidly thought it would be fun to download onto my phone so I could play it with the boys. And don't get me wrong, at first it really was great fun. Along the seafront for us, is great for catching Pokemon!

But now, quite frankly, it's boring me. It's also soooo frustrating at times too.

Now I'm not really a gamer, so I don't know what's good or bad about a game, in gaming sense. However, what I find frustrating is that there is no way of collecting all of the Pokemon's unless you pay for incubators and hope you'll get something decent out of your egg. I did pay... I got mainly Pokemon I already had. (It's not very satisfying when a Drowsy hatches out of a 5km egg!) I didn't do it again. I refuse to pay for more incubators if I'm only getting Pokemon I've already got, and don't even need the candy for!

So now I have 9 eggs... and one bloody incubator. Can't we get the odd incubator from a Pokestop? Please? Not just at certain leveling up!

Then, my other gripe is nothing really set at a certain level. You could be on level 10 and catch an Aerodactyl, and on level 30 and still waiting to catch/hatch one. Is that a good or bad thing about this game? I'm still waiting for a sodding Snorlax! I'm level 23! But now 10km eggs seem to be like gold dust, I can't see me hatching one anytime soon.

Then, while out and about, all I seem to see are rats, pidgeys and bloody weedles (unless I'm on the seafront). I know these help to level up etc. by evolving them all the time, yet there are Pokemon's out there, not all that rare, I could just do with seeing a bit more frequently. A Bulbasaur.... I live by a bloody park for pity's sake!

I also get frustrated when I catch a damn Pokemon five (or more) times, and he's still escaping the Pokeball. If I'm not meant to catch him, then make him run away! For rats, pidgeys etc. they have a one ball rule. Can't be arsed with wasting balls on things I don't need!

And now, the Pokestops have stopped being generous on giving out Pokeballs. So I'm definitely sticking to that one ball rule.

Isn't this game supposed to be for kids? Or just us big kids? Either way, I'm finding it rather dull now, and frustrating... let alone fed up that when it is on, I'm charging my phone constantly.

Give me something more exciting to catch, Pokemon Go! Something I bloody need!

You could easily get sucked into spending a lot of money on this game, which makes it more like gambling than gaming. I mean, the average newly released PlayStation 4 game is £40 - but the play value is far higher and more entertaining, isn't it? (Like I said, I'm not really a gamer).

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

What Should I Blog About Next?

I'm having trouble thinking about what to blog about. I've lost all inspiration.

Sometimes I've shared my deepest feelings about my dating experiences and my poor old broken heart - and that gets a lot of views. And sometimes I blog about my writing.

My greatest blog post which has received the most views is Must Have Kitchen Gadgets For Women. 

I wonder if it's coming up in searches for 'kitchen gadgets'. Or is it something a bit more naughtier... It does say kitchen in the title, not bedroom!

I will say, I am now dating a chef :) (I refer to him as The Boss, which is a bit of a joke between us. Because clearly I am The Boss ha ha!)

It's hard to know how much to share at times, too. Or I feel I'm going over the same old ground... So I'm opening it up to my readers... What would you like me to blog about?

Pick a topic and maybe I'll come up with something...

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Whilst Running...

Sometimes, just sometimes, (like today) when I'm not even a mile in to my run, and know I have another three more miles to go, I'm wondering why the hell I do it. Why do I run? Especially now the weather is turning and getting colder...

It feels like an effort to put one foot in front of the other...

I'm thinking why don't I just not exercise and let myself get out of shape...

Then, once I've finished my four mile run, I realise I feel fantastic. I know that sacrificing forty minutes of my spare time, making time for me, was worth it.

My general outlook in life has improved, my mood has been lifted and I'm in a better frame of mind. I've even had forty minutes to brainstorm any writing I'm working on. And on the plus side, I can still fit in my clothes :)

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Another Reason To Celebrate!

Today I received a belated birthday present. My agent sent over my contract for my third book, Meet Me At Wisteria Cottage, with HarperImpulse.

It's all very exciting, and still very surreal, but it does mean the third book that I've written will be published. Which means it gets shared with readers (who I hope will love and not hate).  That always feels good.

It has been just over 3 years now since my first book was published with HarperImpulse. I have always worried that the story ideas may run out. However, I have another two contemporary romance books brewing... plus a fantasy one... and maybe one day I'll get back to writing my vampire story... And then there are a list of silly plot bunnies in my OneNote file too, so I maybe okay for a while.

The Boss says I should start writing the online dating novel I have floating around in my head, as long as he doesn't feature in it. Ha ha!

I worry about the day I may have to return back to work full time. Will I get time to keep on writing? Will all these ideas get written, and published?

I've got a couple of years before I need to worry about it all yet, so maybe, tonight I should just open a bottle of bubbly and celebrate the beginnings of another book and that I am able to do something I thoroughly enjoy - writing.


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Another Year Older...

Maybe still not any wiser... lol!

Yay! It's my birthday! I have been celebrating all week, but today I get to open presents!

Think I'll be having champagne for breakfast. As you do.

I'm not expecting too much today, however, if I were to have a party, my ideal party guests would include...

Henry Cavill, Tom Hiddleston and Bradley Cooper, to name a few very quickly off the top of my head...

(By the way, I keep telling Tom he needs to put come clothes on!)

And maybe Adam Levine could sing for me. :) 

Yeah, my list hasn't really changed much. 

And if anyone would like to buy me one of these for my birthday, I'd much appreciate it! 

Yes I would like it in this colour too. :) 

Thursday, 6 October 2016

And Relax.... Sort Of.

Tuesday evening, I slogged away and managed to send my third manuscript/novel off to my agent - whoo hooo! (Although it's the first book I've sent to my agent). So the past couple of days, I've not been writing as I've taken a break. I am hoping to have a few days, maybe a week or two respite. So, what have I done the past couple of days?

I have caught up with housework. I have cleaned.

Not shopping, or catching up with friends for coffee, lunch... no, I've cleaned. (I did have a massage and my hair cut but they were already in the diary - after Tuesday evening being hunched over my keyboard, the massage was needed).

Today, I gave my lounge a good dust down, and then I cleaned the tops of my kitchen cupboards.... and washed everything that sits on there. I haven't done that in four years (January) I've lived in this house. :-O Today I've tackled some of the bigger jobs I've had to put off because I needed to write.

I wanted to get the book off my desk (so to speak) before next week as I knew I wouldn't get to work on it.


Next week is my birthday week, so I doubt very much I'll be doing anything, including housework. I have my mum visiting, too.

Maybe, next week, I should start every day with a glass of champagne...

Now there's a thought...

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

All Part of The Writing Process

Next month is my birthday month... but then, now we're in the sign of Libra, I wonder, is this the start of my birthday month? Should I include the middle of September? Should I start celebrating now?

I have a lot of friends who share their birthday in the 'Libra' month (or their children do) with me. We're all fabulous people. However, I'm trying to work out why there are so many of us. My calculations makes New Years Eve too early and February's Valentines' too late. Unless of course, as babies we either arrived late or early... depending on when we were conceived...

And as you can see, I have also been neglecting my blog. I even need to send something off for someone else's blog, but have failed to do that too. The email is in my inbox to remind me.

With birthday looming, basically, on my writing days, I've tried as hard as possible to concentrate on my writing. It's safe to say I've been neglecting the housework. Book three needs to be finished and over to my editor by November (we agreed). And now I have an agent, it means it needs to go through them first too.

I know I won't get much done around my birthday, and October half-term is then rapidly approaching, where I definitely won't get anything done. Therefore, I'm aiming for this week, next week at the latest to send over my manuscript to my agent.

The powers of modern day technology means I can upload it to my kindle, and read it through from there. This is what I'm doing this week, noting any nitpicks that need altering, or a blinding obvious spelling mistake or typo. I've found "mine" and it should be "mind" for example.

It felt weird putting my feet up today, reading my book on my kindle. But it is part of the writing process. Honest.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

First September Blog Post

So it's September, the six weeks flew by, the kids are back at school, and I'm trying to get back into the routine, although it's a new routine, with one at a different school. 

I need to be writing. So that's what I will be doing. I need to finish this third book! I had a great meeting with my editor way back in the beginning of August, and now I need to deliver this thing.

Therefore I will apologise if my blog posting is few and far between this month. 

My third book now has a working title of Meet Me at Wisteria Cottage... (although you never know, it may still change). But this is the title I'm working towards, and trying to incorporate into the book itself. 

At first I was thinking of calling it Lilac Cottage, as I love all things purple. However, the house I grew up in was called Wisteria, although it never had any of the bush attached to it when I was there, I always imagined it must have once.

I just love the colour of this flower. Wisteria gives the imagery of lilac and purples, and pretty floral scents, and I think it sounds mysterious too. 

Therefore it's the inspiration for the name of the cottage, and I've seen beautiful houses draped with wisteria and just loved it.  I know it flowers usually April/May but I was at my aunt and uncle's over the holidays, on the Isle of Wight, and their wisteria was having another blossom in August.

So you know where I am if I'm not posting frequently... I'm at Wisteria Cottage... 

Friday, 19 August 2016

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

It's one of those blog posts again. The one where I apologise profusely for neglecting my blog.

I have been busy though. And it is the summer holidays!

Firstly, I have to report that my big boy left primary school. This is his first and last day picture!

What a difference!

I have given him a mobile phone, and although it feels so wrong for an 11-year-old to own a phone, it is rather handy. And he does text me cute stuff.

At the start of the summer holidays, while the boys were off on holiday with their dad, I went to Alcudia for a week with a good friend.

We had a fabulous holiday. It was the most chilled out, cocktail induced break I've had. Gwen and I had such fun, it was sad to come home.

Upon my return, I was dashing to London to meet with my lovely, gorgeous editor, Charlotte Ledger to discuss books, and to let me nose around the new building. I have touched the Harper Collin's wall of books!

I was chuffed to bits to see one of my books on the shelf too!

We had a great lunch, with cocktails (keeping me in the Alcudia spirit) and it was inspiring to brainstorm ideas about my next couple of books.

You'll have to watch this space on the writing front (not that I've got much done during the past few weeks).

The rest of the holidays have so far been catching up with family, a visit to Center Parcs, Slimbridge. (The swans are shrinking! Oh, wait, my kids are getting bigger...)

We have steam trains on the agenda, among other things. And I only have two weeks left to squeeze it all in... Don't even think about September being around the corner and the start of school! :-O

I promise to be a better blogger. But sometimes, real life does get in the way.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Pretty Close To Broken Hearted

Before I start, I am not afraid of change. I got divorced, for heaven's sake!

I'm not really a strongly political person either. Usually I'm not that opinionated about it. I vote, because I feel I should. Women fought a lot for me to get that vote, so I should at least do it. I let the government get on with it, and I tow the line in life. I don't really care who is in power, as long as it's not UKIP. I have a roof over my head, two delightful children (when they're asleep), a (paid) part-time job (although the rate could be better), and I'm an author (the don't rely on the royalties type). Life is good generally.

But I'm worried that life is going to go downhill if we really do leave the EU. The Brexit vote has already impacted our country. And I keep seeing Brexits telling us to think positive, stay calm... as if doing a fucking rain dance or smoking a peace pipe is going to fix this.

'We'll get our country back."


After the recession?

This could take years to recover from.... (currently quoting five, I'm thinking more ten, twenty...It'll be 100 years before they let us back in, I tell you.)

The irony is that a good proportion of the people who voted out because they want their country back will be dead by the time it's back standing on its own two feet. If that ever happens.... (I'm sure it will, we just have a very stormy ride ahead of us, and I actually want to be proved wrong that Brexit was the right thing to do. Honest to God, I do, because the fear of losing my home, my job, the future of my kids and their aspirations is sickening).

Oh and these same people are retired... so they're hardly going to help work this country back to its glory, either.

FFS! *insert eye roll here*

At least my dad, who I do love dearly and knew he would have voted out but didn't because - and this is why I love him even more - he said, "It wasn't up to me to vote. It's up to the younger ones to decide. I've had my time on this planet. This decision would affect them not me. It's not up to me to decide their future."

Oh, if only a few more had thought like that.... (I wouldn't be writing this blog post).

And then I read things like the media are scaremongering us into a recession.

It's almost like the Brexits will not take responsibility now this has been voted. I mean all the politicians who were campaigning for an exit, have all stood down. What does that tell you?

(This video is a fantastic analogy! It will make you laugh!)

Love or hate David Cameron I can actually understand why he's stood down. He didn't want this. He's failed to convince his country to remain in the EU, so a Brexit should take the helm... and lead us forward... to this magnificent event....

You'd think, right?

No, they've all fucking scarpered.

I don't feel like we've got our independence back. I feel like I've lost my freedom!

So the next Brexit to tell me to stay calm and be positive I am likely to shove a (hypothetical) pencil up their nose.

Don't tell me... show me why I should be.

Start filling my social media with reasons why I should be rejoicing the idea of our country leaving the EU. There must be something out there, other than the ever decreasing exchange rate of the Euro against the Pound....

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Chippenham Festival "Ask The Author"

On the evening of Monday 27th June, I joined a panel with these five other lovely ladies. We gave a talk about writing romance to a small audience in Chippenham Library.

We all belong to the Bath and Wiltshire RNA Chapter organised by Rachel Brimble who was in the audience.

From left to right: Me, Alison Knight (aka Alison Rose), Louise Douglas, Pia Fenton (Christina Courtenay), Jean Burnett and Nicola Cornick.

I was extremely nervous because I hadn't done anything like this before and was worried I wouldn't know the answers.

How stupid. Of course I know the answers.

I talked of my experience, and of my opinions, and it was a lovely, fun discussion about the voices in our heads, and how we have to love our heroes. It was just as interesting to hear the other five authors' stories too.

So whether you've known you want to write since you were a child, or stumbled into it like me as something to do, working around the kids, if you want to write, then just write.

Me of course! 
You can not edit a blank page. And if you want it bad enough, and listen to good advice, you can make it.

After the talk we had in usual romance author style, homemade cakes (supplied by the lovely Ali Williams) and wine.

Alison Knight
I was so nervous that I wouldn't know what to talk about. A bit silly really when writing romance is my passion. I do need to learn to be more confident about it. And about myself. I have had two books published.

Anyway, this blog post is about sharing some pictures from the evening.

Thoroughly enjoyed myself immersed in the world of writing and talking to like minded people. :)

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Introducing Steel Hawk...

Introducing STEEL HAWK – a company of alpha-honorable heroes and spirited and strong heroines…

Heart-pounding romantic suspense set in a world of high-tech security, feuding royals, and missing diamonds. Strap in for sizzling chemistry and fast-paced, thrilling action all the way!

It all starts with an historical romantic suspense set in the birthplace of great engineering and design, The Great Exhibition, London, 1851:

Blurb: To Love a Thief, Steel Hawk, Book 1, by Jane Beckenham BUY LINK: AMAZON

It's one thing to lose your heart. Quite another to have it stolen.

Years ago, notorious jewel thief “The Raven” vanished into the shadows. In 1851, Nathan Hawk emerges into a life of respectability, determined to make up for past sins.

He and his business partner are introducing a lock they’re so sure can’t be broken, they’re displaying a priceless diamond, the Pasha Star, at the Great Exhibition. It’s bad enough catching a light-fingered young man trying to steal the stone. Worse when he realizes it’s the daughter of his old mentor.

Rose Valetta’s father has been kidnapped, and she needs the Star to buy his freedom. She never expected to come nose-to-nose with Nathan. Their reunion is fraught with tension, especially when they discover the diamond in Nathan’s impregnable case is not the Pasha Star.

With Nathan’s reputation in tatters, they race to find the real stone before it’s too late for Rose’s father. Too late to save the empire from a usurper. And too late to keep from losing their hearts.

Product Warnings

Contains a woman who dreams of a world with a level playing field, and an ex-thief who can run from his past but can’t hide from it.

And moves to present-day: Steel Hawk has prospered for 150 years, securing some of the world’s most treasured possessions. But now a secret from the past threatens to destroy the company and a new generation must take up the fight.

Blurb: Heart of Steel, Steel Hawk, Book 2, by Eve Devon BUY LINK: AMAZON

Colleague, friend, lover…beautiful liar?

Adam Steel is in crisis mode. A recent exposé claims a founder of Steel Hawk was actually The Raven, an infamous jewel thief. Amid the ensuing damage control, all eyes are on his ability to develop a prototype to secure and protect the royal Pasha Star diamond.

He’s further blindsided when he learns his assistant, Honeysuckle Hawk, has a sordid past he never knew about. Proving he never really knew her, never should have trusted her, and definitely shouldn’t start falling for her.

With her dirty laundry flapping in the media storm, Honeysuckle’s first instinct is to run. Two things make her stay: Adam’s insistence it’s better to show the world a united front, and her heart’s insistence by his side is where she belongs.

High stakes and long hours ignite passion…until the diamond is stolen and Adam’s own prototype shows Honeysuckle is a thief. Dare he trust her to help him expose the real criminal—before the mastermind wreaks havoc on the royal family?

Product Warnings

Contains an über-hot, alpha-geek who’s good with his hands, a sassy reformed-rebel determined to prove she’s not a flake, romantic castles, gorgeous jewels, sleek and sexy technology, heart-pounding suspense…oh, and nipple tassels!

But with the battle only half-won, STEEL HAWK is about to learn that trust has a price…

Blurb: Dangerous Illusions, Steel Hawk, Book 3, by Sarah Balance – publishing August

Keep your lovers close, your enemies closer. Especially if they’re one and the same.

With Steel Hawk still reeling from explosions at Zarrenburg Castle and at its own headquarters, company lawyer Edward Long’s legendary stoicism has been severely tested. It’s clearly an inside job, and no one is deeper inside than Edward—which leaves him squarely in the center of a frame.

Someone is using him to bring down the company he loves. Worse, the PI that Adam Hawk sends to investigate…there’s something off about her. And something that seriously turns him on.

Operating under an assumed name, Sophie Hawk aims to dig deeper into the company’s systems than any other investigator would dare. Especially with the prime suspect’s hot-chocolate gaze tracking her every move.

As their dueling intellects strike sparks, the rising heat threatens the trip wires Edward has set up around his heart—and the secret that ties him to a man who’ll stop at nothing to claim his right to rule the house of Zarrenburg. Or, if he can’t have it, destroy it—and everyone connected to it.

Product Warnings

Contains agonizingly sweet kisses, dirty thoughts, dirtier talk, mutual trust stretched to the limit, and criminal abuse of a thousand-dollar suit jacket.

About the STEEL HAWK Authors:

Take three authors from three different corners of the world…

Jane Beckenham writes historical and contemporary romance after falling for stories about love and hope. Inspired by happy ever afters she found her own true love and together they adopted and raised two daughters. She lives with her family in New Zealand where writing is her addiction – and sure beats housework!


Eve Devon writes romantic comedy, contemporary fiction and romantic suspense with sexy heroes, sassy heroines, and happily ever afters… She lives in leafy Surrey in the UK, a book-devouring, slightly melodramatic, romance-writing sassy heroine with her very own sexy-hero husband!


Sarah Ballance lives on the US mid-Atlantic coast with her husband and children. She writes in many genres and loves creating unforgettable stories while putting her characters through an unkind amount of torture—a hobby that has nothing to do with living with six children!


So if you love historical romance or contemporary romance, steam-punk elements, inventors, royalty, diamonds, bad-boys, alpha-geeks, co-workers-to-lovers, revenge, and psychological suspense with your mystery; then immerse yourself in the world of STEEL HAWK… and let the seduction begin.

STEEL HAWK – strong as Steel, watchful as a Hawk

Monday, 6 June 2016

Can't Beat Cornwall When The Sun Shines

Ben about to brave the waves... I mean millpond.
View from coastal path to Daymer Bay
Every year, for the last twelve years, I've holidayed with my family in Polzeath, Cornwall. It's situated north of Newquay, with Padstow around its corner and is a great surfing beach.

This year the waves weren't so good, but the sunshine was fantastic! (It usually happens that way). And the wind had dropped too, which meant we could actually stand on the beach and not freeze. The water even felt warm.

To be honest, in the twelve years, the network problems still haven't improved for Vodafone, so I am cut off from the world wide web pretty much all holiday. Which is probably a good thing. I can only send text messages from the beach! I couldn't check emails, and it was hard to peruse Facebook with the sun glaring on the screen... and the kids demanding games of cricket.

Polzeath Beach
The irony is that I seem to get a better reception and 4G out on The Rumps. In my caravan, zilch.

Polzeath Beach
Anyway, I wanted to share some photographs I took. (Unfortunately some may have my children in them). This is my inspiration for Tinners Bay, for the setting/back drop of Plus One is a Lucky Number, and (if I'm lucky enough to get my third book published too), for To Love Again. (Although this title may change. I've learnt not to get attached to a title. Let's play it safe and just call it book 3, because it's the 3rd book I've written).

While walking the coastal footpaths, I wondered if I'd done this scenic coastline any justice in my books. Can't do much about Plus One is a Lucky Number, but I can certainly go back to book 3 and edit some of Polzeath's character into it.

Walking coastal path to the Rumps.
The highlight of this holiday was on Friday, 3rd June, when we strolled to the Rumps (it's a good fair trek, I tell you!) we were rewarded when we reached them, because there were two seals in a small bay below. Absolutely fascinating to watch. We were sure they were waving at us.

Sat on The Rumps

Monday, 23 May 2016

Need Help in my Thunderclap Campaign

I helped support a couple of other writers with their Thunderclap campaigns, and thought I'll take a look how it works.... the next thing I know, I have a campaign that will run if I get full support by 100 people by the 4th June :-O

So can you help? Do you mind Thunderclap posting my campaign on your social media?

If so, please, please, please, click on the link below, and click support. Thunderclap should do the rest. It's a way to advertise for free... it's a fantastic idea, and I just really want to see if this works.

Thank you in advance for your support, Teresa x

My Thunderclap Campaign - Plus One is a Lucky Number

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Grateful For The Little Things

Friends keep asking me how the dating is going, and I have to reply, it's not, basically.

I've disabled/hidden my online dating profiles - again! I've been finding the whole thing rather depressing... on the whole, I've been thinking is that the best I can do? Some like the DIYDaveys just insult my intelligence, and have quite clearly not read my profile.

A couple of weeks ago, tulips in full bloom.
I don't want to sound like I have my head up my arse, or anything like that, and I don't like hurting people's feelings, but some of these guys really are punching above their weight. I'm fairly attractive, and intelligent, and I need someone like-minded on health and fitness sides of things... and some of these guys are not fitting into that criteria, at all!

"How R U finding this sight?" 

Hmmm... my vision is great thanks.
Taken a couple of weeks ago

And to be honest, I'm so happy with my life at the moment. It would be nice to share it with someone, but I'm not settling, and I'm actually rather busy. I have found so much more time to exercise, write... and catch up with friends for coffee.

I know life likes to send a curve ball, I'm waiting patiently for mine, however at the moment everything is great. I've got a hot holiday booked in the summer with a friend and I can't wait for that! I love my house, I love it so much, and this time of year, I'm reminded how fabulous my garden is...

I have truly fantastic friends -  online and ones who live locally. Life is going well... for now. I even have officially signed with an agent, and will be working on Book 3 to get it published.

Yeah, so I'm grateful for the little things. I do wonder if Mr Right is really out there for me... what if he isn't? I think I just need to live my life, and what will be, will be...

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Every Writer Needs A....


I long for the days when I can afford a cleaner. That way my writing time wouldn't be disturbed by the guilt of having to put the vacuum cleaner around. (I want to say hoover but we all know it's a Dyson nowadays and 'to Dyson' just doesn't sound the same).

Admittedly, now I'm not married and live on my own with my two boys, it's not like I have to justify my time any more. "What have you done today, dear?" I can live with the dirt for one more day. But I do hate the dust that gathers...

I have black IKEA furniture. I'm sure it makes it's own bloody dust!

I watch the TV and think, hell that needs dusting!

And what if someone turned up and surprised me?

Don't get me wrong, I don't live in a pigsty, I am a naturally tidy person - on the outside! (Don't look in my drawers). However, I would love my house to be cleaner and tidier!

It would be lovely to walk around my house, know that it's spotless clean... and I can use my time to write. A cleaner would do all the jobs I hate doing, and would do them regularly.

I mean, a bathroom... how does that get dirty. It's a room you use to get clean.

So yes, I dream of earning enough to have a cleaner... One day, Teresa, one day.... just keep writing, just keep writing...

Saturday, 16 April 2016

The Six Date Rule

Yes, I know usually it's a three date rule, i.e. that you'll last out until the third date before sleeping with the guy. (If you needed it clarified).

Well, after last summer, my good friend set me a six date rule. She hoped this would help protect my heart and self-esteem, as I tend to fall too quickly, or get carried away with it all, to then get dumped fairly quickly after they've had want they wanted. I then tend to start feeling like I was a bad person, and my friend has to reassure me that I am not.

The idea is if a guy likes you that much, he will wait. And it will give you time, too. And if a guy has waited that long, maybe he'll take the whole relationship idea a bit more seriously too... It's a theory, anyway.

As you know, I'm way too honest for my own good, and I've told a couple of guys that I've dated I'm on a 'six date rule'. So far of the four dates I've had this year... they've only lasted the one date. lol!

At first I thought maybe I shouldn't be so honest. But actually, it's done me some favours. I mean, if the guy is THAT hot, I'll want to jump into bed with him immediately anyway, and the six date rule will keep my head focussed for a bit longer... I may not last the six dates... (but I don't know yet, haven't really met anyone I've wanted to sleep with immediately to test it). In other ways, it does help me out. Of a couple of dates, I knew there wasn't really the chemistry there, so the six date rule makes a good excuse. "Oh, I couldn't possibly sleep with you on the second date... I'm on a six date rule." You get the idea.

And those just after sex, well, it's weeded those out too... because they certainly don't want to invest time and effort into six dates...

I don't think guys get that most women can't just jump into bed with them. For women, on a whole, with sex there needs to be a mental/intellectual meeting of the minds, as well as the physical. And usually, if the minds meet, the physical attraction grows.

So if you're looking for an excuse to not jump into bed with someone, or you want to test whether a guy will wait, and feels you're worth it, (and isn't out for just one thing) give yourself a six date rule.

Rules can be broken, I mean if Henry Cavill turned up screw the rule....

from Henry Cavill Fanpage

But for all those others, the rule might just help....

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Mean Mummy Moment

I feel a bit mean today.

I've sent my now 9-year-old off to school although he's not feeling 100%. It is only a cold... but he's got a little birthday bash tonight with three friends (that's all I can manage in this cosy house) coming over, and if I didn't send him into school, we'd have to cancel it.

And I slaved yesterday, making cakes, fizzy jellies, sorting out an Easter egg hunt (which I've now put around the house).

Why do these things always come when you've made plans? Plans that have been in the diary weeks!

To be honest, call me a mean, hard mummy, but it is only a cold, and he needs to learn life goes on.

They just don't warn you about the sickness, and the other 'joys' that come from having kids. I'm so glad mine don't get that ill very often, because I'm not a very patient mummy.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Happy 9th Birthday To My Baby Boy

Kieran's New Year's "Revolutions" - to do more chores.
Kieran came back from his school trip yesterday. The first thing he said was, "It's my birthday tomorrow!'

As if I'd forgotten!

He has been so excited for the past week, reminding us he had his school trip, which took him away for two nights, then it would be his birthday, then Easter!

Today, the school have quite kindly given us an inset day, so we get to celebrate Kieran's birthday with out the rush of trying to head off to school.

We're going to take a day trip out to a National Trust place of Kieran's choice - providing it's within local driving distance, i.e. not much more than an hour away.

Xmas 2015 - Spiderman
I can't believe it was nine years ago today I had this cheeky little chappy. I think his labour was so much easier because he'd given me a full nights sleep first. And then didn't take too long about entering the world either.

Where has the time gone? When I was doing NaNoWriMo in 2006, Kieran was growing inside my stomach, and was the excuse I needed to 'put my feet up'. Although they were more like under a desk... but I was sitting down.

A Favourite of Mine

I would never have believed that two babies could show their personalities so quickly and be so different.

Although Kieran (as he's got older) is my tidiest, he is not my most sensible child. He tends to show no fear unless it's a fly or a spider in his room.

Kieran & Rio
I love cooking for this boy, because he will eat it! His favourite food is cheese, and his favourite superhero is Spiderman. He gets a little muddled with his words at times, too (which gives us a chuckle). He's very competitive with his brother.

Kieran is trying to teach Rio, our budgie, to say "Kieran is my best friend."

There's never a dull day with Kieran about.

Happy 9th birthday, my baby boy.