
Sunday, 30 December 2018

Wishing You All A Happy New Year!

I want to take this opportunity to wish all my friends, family, readers, and fellow writers a Happy New Year! Everyone who connects with me through social media - Happy New Year!

I'm getting it in early, as tomorrow I will actually be working. Then, I'll probably get side-tracked playing That's You or Knowledge is Power on the PS4 with the boys...

I want to especially thank the readers for buying my books, and leaving great reviews. This really does help authors, especially when they're questioning whether their writing is shit or not. (Me - all the time.) To read a five-star review does squash that negativity - even if it's my first book published five years ago.

2018 has been fairly positive for me, especially by writing those three positives a day, I have focused on the good things this year. It is something I will continue to do in 2019. I also have my friends to thank for keeping me positive, keeping me laughing and having so much fun. I have embraced being a singleton.

Sadly, I don't have a new book contract, so I have no idea what 2019 will bring on the book front, only that I will continue to write and persevere with my writing career. I actually have an idea now mulling around my head which is not likely to be deemed romance, but more commercial women's fiction.

However, I do have some fantastic events already planned for 2019! (It's about getting dates in the diary.) Can't wait for February, where I will be visiting Dublin for the first time ever and I am involved with the Weston Literary Festival again.

So watch this space!

I'm not very good at making new years resolutions, but I do want this year to be focused on improving my house - it needs decorating! (It will be a case of hoping the writing doesn't suffer and how much funds allow. Decorating party, anyone?)

Have a very happy New Year, and I wish you a positive year. And if occasionally life throws you a negative, try to take the positives from it.

Much love, to you all,

Teresa x 

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