
Saturday, 12 October 2019

12th Day of Birthday

On the twelfth day of my birthday, I would like sent to me...

A Coffee Machine 

I really, really, really want a bean to cup coffee machine, with milk frother and everything. My old machine gave up the ghost, and deciding pods weren't exactly environmentally friendly, I didn't replace it. Bean to cup machines are far more expensive, so I'm saving up. I keep saying the next book sold, I'm buying a machine with the royalties.

To be honest, I love opening presents! And now my boys are old enough to let me open them, so it's more exciting! Before, when they were much younger, they would open them for me.

Yes, imagine my angry face. But how do you tell a four-year-old you don't need help opening presents!?

Today is my birthday, so I'm hoping to have dinner out with the kids and my best friend, and her children. I have more plans for my birthday month, which I'm sure you'll hear about if you follow my Twitter and Facebook accounts!

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