
Friday, 8 May 2020

A Dedication To My Closest Friends

I don't know if it's the time of the month, or what, but I have been feeling a little low these past couple of days. We are into week 7 of lockdown...

I don't think it helps that I work in retail, albeit the Post Office (which actually has been worse in some ways) and therefore a keyworker. I am very grateful that I have a job but I'm now so fed up with seeing people really not taking the lockdown rules seriously, and putting my health at risk, or they are following them very loosely... I mean, it IS essential for them to shop everyday in our shop! And equally essential to send the dress sold for a £1 on ebay...  *insert rolls eyes emoji* If I'm stressed, just imagine the NHS staff!

Lockdown for me hasn't been hard. I am quite happy to sit at home and write, and don't know what the whole big deal is about staying home, because I love it. I even have a lovely garden to lose myself in. Also, I might not be finding it as hard as most because I am leaving the house to go to work (to serve some not-so-bright humans - that bit I do find hard!) and I also get to meet my colleague-friends.  But this writery-introvert is also very sociable, and I do feel I have to connect with my friends regularly.

(In no particular order) I am missing my friends!

I am missing my cocktails at Bistrot Pierre with Sarah. My Friday night catch up with Becky, putting the world to rights. I miss Gwen, who I have so much fun with! We have the same sense of humour and she has the biggest heart of gold. And Fi... OMG, Fi, we cinema together, drink together - there's a reason I call her my wife! She is my oldest friend in Weston (when I say oldest... I've known her the longest! I am actually older than her). We know stuff about each other, before kids! We were once young together! We were each other's bridesmaids. 

And then there is Fay who always encourages me and is a huge inspiration behind my writing now. We met over Twitter... and I am so lucky to have a wonderful writing buddy who lives so close. We brainstorm so much together! 

There are so many more I could mention... Jane, Lisa, Ali, Kerry, Andrea... all my RNA and writing buddies...  all my empowering and lovely Weston Business Women buddies... I miss you all!

But I understand the need to social distance, and because I care about you all so much, I will stay away. 

Stay strong, stay safe and stay home. We will be drinking/partying together soon! Teresa x 

p.s. I may hug you a lot when we are allowed to meet. Just warning you.

p.p.s. I also miss my mum. Not that I see her regularly anyway, as she's in London and I'm in Weston, but I don't like that I'm so far away and can't really help her. 

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