
Tuesday, 15 March 2022

My Book and Wine Club - update!


I held my first book club with See No Bounds last Thursday and it was such great fun. 

I wanted to keep it quite flexible and just be a discussion on what books we were reading, whether they be self-development, business development, general non-fiction or fiction.

As a writer, I've always struggled to read the set book for a book club, so I wanted this to be a relaxed discussion about books generally. And it worked! An hour wasn't long enough. 

Also an interesting thing came out of the discussion. And it relates to the passage that is in The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell. (Great book by the way!)

Phin is basically saying there's no such thing as bad books; that if you didn't like a book, it's not that it's bad, but that book weren't for you. 

I wholeheartedly agree with him! (And wonder if this be the point of view of Lisa Jewell too!)

And this topic was highlighted perfectly in my book club. Where I love Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings, a couple of the book club members don't. And it's not that they are bad books, it just proves that they are not to everyone's taste. 

I will be hosting another book club. I just haven't set a date yet, but it's likely to be mid-April some time. (It's going to be tricky with Easter in the way.) You'll be able to register via the See No Bounds website. The event is free and online so it doesn't matter where you are. We'll probably stick to a Thursday (although I'm toying with the idea of it being a Friday) but with the amended time of 7.30pm. 

So watch this space! 

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