Wednesday 4 December 2019

Proud Owner of a Fifteen Year Old

As I write this, (yesterday) fifteen years ago, I would have been in labour... I went into labour on the 2nd of December, around 11pm after a day of being on my feet (wanting to bring the baby on), thinking I'd have my bundle of joy on my sister's birthday (3rd of December).

Oh, no... thirty-three hours later...

Ben entered the world as he meant to go on in life... taking his sweet time about it. He's not really in a rush now, at fifteen! He arrived at 6.36am on the 4th December.

He might drive me potty at times, away with the fairies, leaving doors open, lights on but he makes me incredibly proud as he does put a 110% into everything he does.

He loves school, he loves learning and he loves sport! He is like a sponge, always absorbing information and facts.

I'm lucky to have a boy who is academically bright as well as sporty. He is an allrounder. He might not be the best at everything, but he's pretty good at it all... and like I said, he puts the effort in. The school have praised him on his attitude to learning.

Ben is growing up to be a thoughtful. intelligent, easy going young man, even a little profound and mature in his thinking. He is very logical. He may be laid back but I know, through his lack of caring of image and what others think, he shouldn't succumb to peer pressure.

He takes after me, liking posh chocolates and coffee. (I haven't encouraged wine just yet - obviously!) The worrying thing is he is as tall as me now. And I reckon by Christmas, he may even be taller!

Happy birthday, Ben! I love you so much x x x

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