Monday 1 March 2021

My Lockdown Reflection

I did post something on my Facebook about how I was feeling the other day but I thought I would expand on it in a blog post (as I haven't blogged in ages).

On the 8th of March, my kids will return to school. *fingers crossed* And I have mixed feelings about this. 

I'm not worried about them going back to school with regards to safety or anything like that. I really do believe they need to be in school, not just for learning, but for the social element. However, in some mad, deranged and demented way, I'm going to miss the bickering.

What many may not have realised is that, over the course of a year, their last day in school having been the 17th March 2020, my two boys have only attended 2 full terms in a year. TWO out of six. And even then, those two terms had been disrupted with year groups having to go home to self isolate for 10 days.

For pretty much a year, we've been used to the kids being home. This makes it a habit that we've got used to. So, them returning to school is going to feel weird.

I haven't missed getting packed lunches ready, and the mad dash out the door in the evening for the school clubs and trying to fit dinner in as and when. I've enjoyed all of us having lunch together, our evenings in front of the television as neither have after school clubs to attend, and their continual bickering. (I'm lying about that last part... that is sarcasm!)

I am lucky. At nearly-14 and now-16, both of my boys have home-schooled themselves. I have just checked that they are actually doing their school work and not watching YouTube videos, and have made them cups of tea or coffee - another positive, that they've got into drinking hot drinks! 

Although Lockdown (1, 2 and 3) and the past year have not been easy, and I have more grey hairs - mainly due to not being able to see a hairdresser, and the stress of being a keyworker - there are things that I will always be thankful for.

I am grateful that I've had quality (ish) time with my kids. My two boys are growing up and will soon be of an age where they won't want to sit with their dear old mum to re-watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe of the Avenger films in timeline order. Or binge watch The Mandalorian, Shitt's Creek or How I Met Your Mother with me. We've had walks, we've baked cakes, they've helped with the garden, cooking dinner, and during Lockdown 3 helped with the decorating of my kitchen (it was technically half-term). 

And I've discovered my eldest is a dab hand at building flatpack furniture! (Totally forgot when I arranged the delivery of a new kitchen table and chairs that he'll be back at bloody school!) I have my very own handyman about the house now! 

Therefore, from a woman who isn't very maternal at the best of times, I'm going to miss my kids.

But not the bickering. The school can have that one. 

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