Saturday 28 January 2012

Follow Friday Feature (Though It's Saturday)

I got this from Rebecca Bradley's blog and thought I'd join in the fun. I'm participating in a blog hop. Full rules for the hop are on Parajunkees blog and is co-hosted by Alison Can Read. Featured blogger this week is Book'd Out.

There is always a question to answer - this week's is: 

Q: Which book genre do you avoid at all costs and why?

I'm open to any genre really - in can be set in the past, present or the future, or another world! I'll read it. And although I want to write romance, I like to try different genres just for the whole experience of story telling and writing - and to break up the romance reading. 

I think "who" I avoid the most is the likes of Stephen King. I read On Writing, which is brilliant, but at the end he describes his accident, and to be honest, it made me feel sick. I'm just worried he'll scare the hell out of me through a book. So, I tend to avoid thrillers that are a bit close to reality, just because they can happen in real life. (I will avoid films of this genre too!). I'll avoid things that will play on my mind too much and will upset me. I like books to have a happy ending, or a satisfactory close to it. For example, I did enjoy reading (for its story) 'The Lovely Bones' but for me it didn't end how I wanted it too - it didn't give me a satisfactory close with the murderer. I ended up loping off a 'star' in my review because of it. 

Not sure if that quite answers the question... but hey ho.

Okay, well, I'm a bit late with this blog hop, but feel free to join in! Remember to read the rules... I think I've followed them. Might have to save some of my hopping until tomorrow now though.


  1. I loved Stephen Kings, On Writing and it did the opposite for me, it made me want to go and read one of his books. The problem is I don't like being scared, so I haven't quite got that far yet!

    1. Oh, yes, On Writing sort of made me want to read his books too! lol! But I do think he's such a good writer that I'd be worried he'd scare the hell out of me.

      I read Gerald Seymour's The Collaborator, and in an early chapter there is a 'torture' scene, (just because the image did make me feel sick) which had me worried about the rest of the book, but luckily, that was the worst it got. I think he shocked the reader early enough that it then kept us suspended with fear for what could happen to our 'hero' for the rest of the book. If that makes sense?

  2. Oh I can't read him either. Scary and too realistic get me too. I'm such a wuss and like happy endings too.

    I'm a new follower :)
    my FF

    1. Thanks for following! I've just followed you back :D


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