Friday 2 December 2011

Advent Calendar: Day 2

Am I going to have enough men for 24 days? I might need some suggestions ...

Anyway, thought I'd do this very quickly before I head off to work. I'm doing some overtime for my sins. Could have done with a day trying to catch up with some writing, as the past few days I've done nothing. How will I ever get The Wedding Favour finished and submitted to publishers? I really want to do it next year as early as possible!

2nd December

Richard Armitage, as John Thornton in North and South - a fantastic brooding hero! I thought this looked rather Christmassy, though it is cotton, not snow, in the picture.


  1. I love Richard Armitage and really enjoyed watching him in the modern hero type roles of Spooks and Strike Back. All rippling muscles and tortured soul looks. :)

  2. Oooh. Lovely. :-)

    Are you sticking to a literary theme? If so, Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon (Emma Thomson's Sense & Sensibility), and Antonio Banderas as Che (Evita) - usually I'm not a fan of Antonio, but there was something special about him in that film!!

    If you're not sticking to a lit theme - I've got enough suggestions for a whole year lol!!

  3. Oh, thank you for the suggestions, Annalisa. No, not really a particular theme, apart from where possibly, I'll try to find the 'Christmassy' looking ones.

    And is that the film of Sense & Sensibility...? I might have to find that. I've recently finished watching the BBC series one and loved it. (Not as good as Pride and Prejudice though).

  4. Yes, Teresa, the film version of Sense and Sensibility, also with Hugh Grant and Greg Wise, and a fantastic bit-part by Hugh Laurie. Great film, great book.


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