My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Like Talli's other book, this was a refreshing, original read. I'll try to review this without giving away spoilers.
It's a story about Willow regaining her dreams, and taking her life back. The plot maybe a little far fetched - would thousands of people really believe Marilyn had chosen Willow? - but it works in fiction and make believe if you allow yourself to be carried away into Willow's world.
Compared to some romance that I've read, the hero is not featured heavily in the book (but this is what maybe makes it chicklit/women's fiction?). Personally, I do like more presence from the hero because for me romance is about the conflict, and the two of them working it out together. We see the hero more through flashbacks in Willow's thoughts. However, the concept of this story was just fun, making me want to carry on reading and find out what happens.
How will Willow get out of her contract with Jay?
Talli has a wonderful way of telling a story. It's sharp, witty, and different with a fast pace and style that makes you want to keep on reading. Oh and there is no sex (on the page), only behind closed doors - just so you know.
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And that was my 40th book! Will I find time before New Year to squeeze in another?
What with the icing of the Christmas cake, mince pie baking and other bits and pieces I need to do, I'm not sure. Watch this space.
This is the only one of Talli's I don't have yet. Maybe next year :-)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, add! If you enjoyed The Hating Game then you'll enjoy this, it's very similar in her voice and style. And it's fun, basically. :D